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ATTN: humanity

[Apr 14,2006 2:10pm - ratt_mowe ""]
Cowmaximus: People that have never smoked weed are stupid.
[Apr 14,2006 2:29pm - ratt_mowe ""]
obviously the entire population of the planet (excluding me, RR horror, and WWW) are stupid.
[Apr 14,2006 3:49pm - dwellingsickness ""]
weed is for hippies
[Apr 14,2006 3:49pm - RichHorror ""]
I would never exclude any drug from entry into my body.
[Apr 14,2006 3:51pm - dreadkill ""]
i've smoked before, so i am smart
[Apr 14,2006 3:51pm - ratt_mowe ""]
we should all be smart together. hippy.
[Apr 14,2006 4:04pm - dwellingsickness ""]
[Apr 14,2006 4:08pm - KeithMutiny ""]
dwellingsickness said:Pills>Weed:bow:

and my beautiful lady is waiting for me with a handfull of 500mg vics tonight...

boo ya!
[Apr 14,2006 4:09pm - RichHorror ""]
I want your life. And to end mine.
[Apr 14,2006 4:10pm - dwellingsickness ""]
40mg Oxy> 500mg vics.......I WIN!
[Apr 14,2006 4:15pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm breathing, so I lose.
[Apr 14,2006 4:59pm - dwellingsickness ""]
breathing is overrated
[Apr 14,2006 5:12pm - sacreligion ""]
weed>other drugs
[Apr 14,2006 5:16pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I disagree that weed>other drugs, but I still like it.
[Apr 14,2006 5:17pm - RichHorror ""]
All drugs were created equal.
[Apr 14,2006 5:29pm - dreadkill ""]
my friend is currently abusing pills and alcohol at his place. i will be joining him shortly.
[Apr 14,2006 5:29pm - RichHorror ""]
What the fuck? I wasn't invited?
[Apr 14,2006 5:33pm - dreadkill ""]
i thought you would be at dee dee's
[Apr 14,2006 5:33pm - dreadkill ""]
plus i figure you wouldn't drive all the way to medford
[Apr 14,2006 5:34pm - sacreligion ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:I disagree that weed>other drugs, but I still like it.

depends on your mindset i guess
[Apr 14,2006 5:34pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ya i got vics, pbr, and jager on the menue tonight...

providence... HERE I COME!!!
[Apr 14,2006 5:35pm - The Drug Dealer  ""]
KeithMutiny said:
and my beautiful lady is waiting for me with a handfull of 500mg vics tonight...

boo ya!

Ha, ha, ha!!! You are getting shit. Ther 500 mg is the amount of tylenol in them. You are getting 5 mg. of hydrocodone. The smaller number is the good drug amount.
[Apr 14,2006 5:36pm - KeithMutiny ""]
The Drug Dealer said:KeithMutiny said:
and my beautiful lady is waiting for me with a handfull of 500mg vics tonight...

boo ya!

Ha, ha, ha!!! You are getting shit. Ther 500 mg is the amount of tylenol in them. You are getting 5 mg. of hydrocodone. The smaller number is the good drug amount.

HAHAHA, theyre free. so i dont care!

[Apr 14,2006 5:38pm - RichHorror ""]
dreadkill said:plus i figure you wouldn't drive all the way to medford

I'm literally shaking with Ken Gillis-fueled hatred right now.
[Apr 14,2006 5:38pm - The Drug Dealer  ""]
Kids, when getting drugs from the doctor for pain, tell them tylenol bothers your stomach. They will give you a better drug. Most likely OxyIR.
[Apr 14,2006 5:42pm - dwellingsickness ""]
The Drug Dealer said:Kids, when getting drugs from the doctor for pain, tell them tylenol bothers your stomach. They will give you a better drug. Most likely OxyIR.

you don't get oxy unless you tried everything else and nothing works, I have tried
[Apr 14,2006 5:43pm - dwellingsickness ""]
KeithMutiny said:ya i got vics, pbr, and jager on the menue tonight...

providence... HERE I COME!!!

Sounds like it will be a fun night
[Apr 14,2006 5:44pm - dreadkill ""]
RichHorror said:dreadkill said:plus i figure you wouldn't drive all the way to medford

I'm literally shaking with Ken Gillis-fueled hatred right now.

don't deny your love!
[Apr 14,2006 5:57pm - anonymous  ""]
dwellingsickness said:you don't get oxy unless you tried everything else and nothing works, I have tried

Actually, that is untrue. OxyIR is different than OxyContin. OxyIR is the immediate release form of oxycodone with out Tylenol. Doctors have no problem prescribing it. I know it all to well. Oxycontin on the other hand is a different ballgame. With the stigma associated with them, doctors are unlikely to prescribe them. If drug adicts really wanted something good that they do stock on pharmacies, they would steal MScontin. Morphine Sulfate is much better than oxcodone.

[Apr 14,2006 6:28pm - RichHorror ""]
dreadkill said:RichHorror said:dreadkill said:plus i figure you wouldn't drive all the way to medford

I'm literally shaking with Ken Gillis-fueled hatred right now.

don't deny your love!

I'm going to kill you.
[Apr 14,2006 7:37pm - scoracrasia ""]
I could go for a handful of Percs right now. I had some last week that were in capsule form. Pure percs. Good times. I was fucked.
[Apr 15,2006 12:24am - dwellingsickness ""]
scoracrasia said:I could go for a handful of Percs right now. I had some last week that were in capsule form. Pure percs. Good times. I was fucked.

If I ever get to see Scoracrasia, I will give you a bunch.Get the band going damn it
[Apr 15,2006 1:05am - infoterror ""]
ratt_mowe said:Cowmaximus: People that have never smoked weed are stupid.



IN 10,000 YEARS

[Apr 15,2006 1:33am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
anyone got any shrooms, mesc or pcp
[Apr 15,2006 1:36am - Big Bo Dallas  ""]
Try a little rat poison (a very tiny amount) and let the good times roll. Or good old ether.
[Apr 15,2006 1:44am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
hmm yeah i like the drugs i like thank you
[Apr 15,2006 1:45am - Big Bo Dallas  ""]
Real men huff ether.
[Apr 15,2006 1:45am - RichHorror ""]
[Apr 15,2006 1:46am - Big Bo Dallas  ""]
Shoppin for ether or you could just wait until Sunday for the Ether Bunny.
[Apr 15,2006 1:54am - RichHorror ""]
[Apr 15,2006 3:09am - dwellingsickness ""]
ok ,pills gone....time for a nap
[Apr 15,2006 10:13am - HailTheLeaf ""]
did someone say shrooms? they go excellent with weed...vics and beer are a good time also.

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