Final Fantasy III on the DS[views:3558][posts:44]_______________________________________ [May 10,2006 10:59am - the_reverend ""] awesome |
_____________________________________________ [May 10,2006 4:32pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""] Yep, remade with new 3D graphics. |
______________________________________________ [May 10,2006 4:38pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli ""] What about The Legend of Zelda:The Phantom Hourglass? Awesome |
___________________________________ [May 10,2006 4:57pm - dreadkill ""] final fantasy on the dreaded silence is awesome |
______________________________ [May 10,2006 5:50pm - nick ""] no fucking way! time to buy a ds. |
______________________________________ [May 22,2006 8:42am - the_reverend ""] bump this cause people are talking about it in another thread. I'm still confused as to which one this is going to be... I guess it's the japanese 3 and not the US 3 (japanese 6). which was the one with all the chocobos in it? I mean an excessive amount. I thought it was FF5 on my ROM player. |
_____________________________________________ [May 22,2006 8:45am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""] It's the original Japanese 3, remade with some 3D graphics. |
__________________________________ [May 22,2006 8:54am - sinistas ""] Man, I want a DS for this and New Mario. Gah. |
_____________________________________________ [May 22,2006 9:48am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""] Not to mention you want one for the dozen or so incredible games which already came out... |
_______________________________________ [May 22,2006 10:08am - the_reverend ""] the games so far on the DS get a "meh" from me. get me ocarina, secret of..., or a ff and then we will talk. |
______________________________________________ [May 22,2006 10:55am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""] Did you just say Advanced Wars: Dual Strike, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, Mario Kart DS, Polarium, Bomberman DS, Brain Age, Ouendan, Lost Magic, Kirby Canvas Curse, Metroid Prime Pinball, Meteos, Polarium, and Metroid Prime Hunters are "meh" games? They are all incredibly fun, most have sick multiplayer and have pretty innovative features. I doubt Final Fantasy and Mana games are going to take advantage of the multiplayer or dual screen capabilities of the DS, I'm sure they will be fun for RPG fans but the titles I listed above suit the system better. I'm not an Ocarina fan, my fave Zeldas are still the original on NES and III on SNES, but if you liked Wind Waker, the sequel (Phantom Hourglass) is coming out soon for DS. That should be amazing! |
_______________________________________ [May 22,2006 11:04am - the_reverend ""] AWDS was a good one. Castlevania was good, but I don't like the fact that I came up to dario and the games is just over. to get to any "good" endings... eh.. I don't know how to do that. the other games don't really speak to me. well, besides the metroid. I probably will get the metroid game when I've played the new SMB enough. I really don't care too much about the multi-player stuff (no friends and no friends with nofriendos) and the dual screen!? all they have to do is put status on one. I love zeldas and mana's. I like the game play of them and stuff. and if you doubt the abilities of Mana to use multiplayer, did you play secret of mana on the super nofriendo with multiplayers? that was really good. |
_______________________________________ [May 22,2006 11:14am - the_reverend ""] what I like in a game is a great story line. something that is really kick-ass, heart-warming, and engaging. switching characters is a plus. story development and character development with a nice flow that pulls you along from the beginning to the end. limited back tracking. as long as the story progresses nicely, I won't get bored. I like role playing games mixed with action games, ala zelda/mana, so you can run around, slashing things while also exploring and building up your character. when I game bogs down, I get board and then leave my PS2 paused for 2 months (I've done that 3 times with DMC2 and started playing it in 2003, but won it last night) games that I got to the end and then got bored/stopped playing FFX AWDS (I don't remember why though) castlevania (ps2) castlevania (ds) prince of persia WW lord of the rings: thrid what (ps2) and many more. |
_____________________________________ [May 22,2006 11:29am - ArilliusBM ""] Looks kind of cheesy to me. Nothing can beat the old ones. |
______________________________________________ [May 22,2006 12:14pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""] the_reverend said: and if you doubt the abilities of Mana to use multiplayer, did you play secret of mana on the super nofriendo with multiplayers? that was really good. Wasn't that 'co-op' though? I meant more like competetive multiplayer. |
______________________________________________ [May 22,2006 12:19pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""] the_reverend said: when I game bogs down, I get board and then leave my PS2 paused for 2 months (I've done that 3 times with DMC2 and started playing it in 2003, but won it last night) games that I got to the end and then got bored/stopped playing FFX AWDS (I don't remember why though) castlevania (ps2) castlevania (ds) prince of persia WW lord of the rings: third age (ps2) and many more. I agree, I also like action RPGs like Zelda, and I like story games, but the most essential thing for me is fun, whether single player or not. I guess I just play most of the more story-driven stuff on my consoles. With a hand-held system, I want something I can play for fun on the fly. You should check out Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time and Lost Magic, both have stories, both fun RPGs, I like in Lost Magic how you actually have to cast the spells by drawing runes on a pentagram with the stylus, while enemies are running over and beating on you. It grows into quite a challenge later in the game. I actually beat all the games you listed except Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, I just couldn't take the 'dark new direction' they were marketing that one in. |
_______________________________________ [May 22,2006 12:37pm - the_reverend ""] yes, secret of mana was co-op. I don't have any friends so I don't care about competetive games. I hardly ever want to sit down and "play for fun" I guess. I want to beat something and get through it. I get board just going circles on a track. |
______________________________________________ [May 22,2006 12:39pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""] I use the fun play for hand-eye coordination and to increase my sexual stamina. Otherwise, I agree that I like to beat games more than beat off. Competition is fun though. Fighting games?! Strategy? LAN parties! |
______________________________________ [Nov 7,2006 11:22pm - the_reverend ""];action;1 can't wait! |
________________________________________ [Nov 8,2006 1:09pm - iren_the_viking ""] i have this game on reserve, i cant wait to pick it up, also i was gonna get the new zelda for DS but it got pushed back until march of 07, fuckin japs |
______________________________________ [Nov 14,2006 3:16pm - the_reverend ""] it shipped today. it's not available until tomorrow |
_____________________________________ [Nov 14,2006 3:19pm - xanonymousx ""] i don't get how last month everything was out on tuesday and now everything is out on wendesday |
______________________________________ [Nov 15,2006 6:01pm - the_reverend ""] I'm waiting in line for it. YEAH! I was also told this wasn't the one I thought it was. |
______________________________________ [Nov 16,2006 9:09pm - the_reverend ""] played for like an hour... then died. never found a place to save it! |
___________________________________________ [Nov 17,2006 10:01am - thegreatspaldino ""] ummm... world map? |
_______________________________________ [Nov 17,2006 10:05am - the_reverend ""] I know that now. I played it again for like 2 hours. |
__________________________________________ [Nov 17,2006 12:10pm - iren_the_viking ""] i got the game, i am pleased so far. |
_______________________________________ [Nov 17,2006 12:28pm - the_reverend ""] where are you? I got the airship and went to the cave to the north. but I'm trying to figure out where to go from here. |
______________________________________________ [Nov 17,2006 12:35pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""] What did you think it was FFVI remade? |
_______________________________________ [Nov 17,2006 12:36pm - the_reverend ""] yes |
______________________________________ [Nov 17,2006 12:46pm - eddie(nli) ""] the_reverend said:I'm waiting in line for it. YEAH! I was also told this wasn't the one I thought it was. that's coming out jan 30th |
_____________________________________ [Nov 17,2006 12:47pm - Sinislazy ""] holy crap, VI is coming out for DS? I need one, stat. |
______________________________________ [Nov 17,2006 1:24pm - the_reverend ""] no this is the actual #3. it's funny the towers are so familiar. I played I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, and X |
____________________________________ [Nov 17,2006 1:37pm - Sinislazy ""] oh my, VI is coming out for GBA. nice. |
__________________________________________ [Nov 17,2006 4:40pm - thegreatspaldino ""] its funny... after playing FFXII's brilliant battle system... im really really fucking annoyed with random battles. |
_____________________________________________ [Nov 17,2006 5:14pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""] Right, they've been getting literal with the numeration of the series over the past decade, ever since they fucked up on the SNES. |
__________________________________________ [Nov 18,2006 8:18pm - thegreatspaldino ""] what fucking level does your party have to be to beat the sealed cave? atleast 6? because if you just go from place to place and pick up the airship, go to the castle, then the castle to the cave... your guys all take like 30+ damage. its a little steep to just toss you into a place without atleast having some sort of gradual increase of monster difficulty. its like your guys take 5 damage tops and then they take 30... its a huge difference. |
______________________________________ [Nov 18,2006 8:58pm - the_reverend ""] what I did was walked around the town and go into the cave, fight a couple, and then go to the town (fill up at the river). I did that a few times and got up to level umm... 8. then went in. once you do, you get some mythril items that rock it hardcore. I'm a little lost with the switching of jobs. I don't have that tactic down right yet when you go minish. douche or desh tells you to magic it up! do it! become red and black mages. don't worry about switching jobs. it's part of the game play. once you change jobs, re-equip you weapons and fight 2 BS battles so your guys re-adjust. also, before you get on the enterprise for the first time SAVE YOUR GAME. the biggest mistake I made right now is I took out this game from my DS to try children of mana. big mistake. |
______________________________________ [Nov 19,2006 1:56am - the_reverend ""] I was on level 8 when I was there. I was also on freelance job Level 20 |
______________________________________ [Nov 19,2006 12:18pm - xanonymousx ""] i got the snes rom with the english translation and it was sick... this one looks alot better. |
______________________________________ [Nov 19,2006 1:23pm - the_reverend ""] I'm hoping that the world get's a little bigger... it seems awefully small |
__________________________________________ [Nov 19,2006 8:19pm - thegreatspaldino ""] i didnt wait til i was level 8 to rape the sealed cave... i was level 6 and the rest were 5. i found out how to double attack damage and the amount of hits by equipping two long swords to each guy. i actually went to the west tower at level 6 in the castle and fought the griffon and got the whistslayer or whatever that has 15 attack power and then raped the cave. too easy. im just swapping my classes now and then i have to go talk to some king arby's guy (i know, its argus) and then i dont know what. |
______________________________________ [Nov 19,2006 8:24pm - the_reverend ""] ive been just wonering. found chocoboos! |
__________________________________________ [Nov 19,2006 11:48pm - iren_the_viking ""] ya i have gotten far enough to have several job classes now, like knight and shit. |
______________________________________ [Oct 20,2008 4:25pm - the_reverend ""] my version of this got misplaced with my DS |