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Kevorkians Angels MAINE TONIGHT! ROBIN!

[May 13,2006 1:31pm - anonymous  ""]
I will be at you guys's gay fucking Geno's show later. Wade hit me up.
[May 13,2006 1:40pm - anonymous  ""]
This is Robin BTW, gonna video tape and snort coke off Nick's ass.
[May 13,2006 2:43pm - weymouthdoug ""]
sorry folks. We aren't playing tonight. John is playing a show with Anal Cunt in New York. We told COnifer a couple weeks ago, it looks like they didn't tell anyone. Nick and Mark will be there. later
[May 13,2006 4:32pm - weymouthdoug ""]
smoke hits for me!!
[May 13,2006 5:31pm - anonymous  ""]
Fuck. Ass pussies.
[May 13,2006 8:45pm - Jugulator ""]
You people are gonna go all the way up to fucking ME in this shitty weather?? GOOD LUCK!!!
[May 13,2006 8:46pm - Jugulator ""]
Jugulator said:You people are gonna go all the way up to fucking ME in this shitty weather?? GOOD LUCK!!!

Have fun traveling to NY homos!!!!

[May 13,2006 8:46pm - KeithMutiny ""]
dude, why are you such a piece of shit?
[May 13,2006 10:14pm - weymouthdoug ""]
Jugulator said:You people are gonna go all the way up to fucking ME in this shitty weather?? GOOD LUCK!!!

oh my god!! RAIN!!!
[May 13,2006 10:19pm - the_reverend ""]
how is that possible... jon is drumming in front of me at a place in NY
[May 13,2006 11:00pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:how is that possible... jon is drumming in front of me at a place in NY

did you read weymouthdoug's post? that's what he said sleepyhead...
[May 13,2006 11:39pm - weymouthdoug ""]
der Aaron
[May 14,2006 1:24am - dunwich ""]
bummer...went to the show hoping to see Kevorkian's Angels...Conifer were great though.
[May 14,2006 8:14am - dwellingsickness ""]
Jugulator said:You people are gonna go all the way up to fucking ME in this shitty weather?? GOOD LUCK!!!

It's called supporting local music , Shitbag... You mean you wouldn't travel to Me or NY to see CSDO?, I know you would ,don't even lie
[May 14,2006 9:42am - weymouthdoug ""]
dunwich said:bummer...went to the show hoping to see Kevorkian's Angels...Conifer were great though.

sorry duder, we'll be back soon, plus we'll have a new album and new merch:NEWHORNS:

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