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[QUOTE="the_reverend:441807"]"We could just get up there and shred or have a good time. We choose to have a good time” Bury Your Dead 2006 On July 11 Victory Records Will Release BURY YOUR DEAD's Appropriately Titled "Beauty And The Breakdown” Massachusetts based Bury Your Dead took no prisoners last year on Ozzfest's notorious Second Stage, establishing themselves alongside As I Lay Dying, Rob Zombie, Killswitch Engage among others. Now, on July 11th, Bury Your Dead will release their eponymous "Beauty And The Breakdown" (Victory). BYD rise to the occasion after breaking up and reforming; having gone through 9 touring vehicles including buckets of bolts like a Hyundai Accent and a Kia Sefia. They're still together and their stronger than ever on the new album, "Beauty And The Breakdown" - which is easily their most focused sonic offering. Bury Your Dead: fusing fun and ferocity like no one else can. In the Bury Your Dead tradition, the music is heavier than granite, but the band's approach and collective attitude is light, fun and carefree bringing old school rock n roll f-you style back to the music scene; that coupled with their not to be missed live performance is what sets BYD apart from their peers. Also drawing attention from music industry folk, specifically to Superhero Artist Management’s Howard Jones who doubles as singer in Killswitch Engage and now manages the band. Bury Your Dead's brute heaviness collided with their catchy melodies, "making you mosh your brains out to our infectious breakdowns, is what keeps the kids coming back for more." As Slim says, "It's always down and dirty, hustle and bustle with Bury Your Dead." And that equals a damn good time. While 2004's "Cover Your Tracks" respectfully sold more than 80,000 copies, featuring song titles named after Tom Cruise movies, "Beauty And The Breakdown" doesn't name its song titles after Nicole Kidman movies - nor does it sound like its predecessor. Here, BYD named all their songs after fairytales, like "Mirror, Mirror", "House Of Brick", and "House Of Straw". The album's artwork is laid out like a storybook, as well. Despite having such light, fun titles, the music contained on the moshable "Beauty And The Breakdown" is pummeling, vivid, and fast, and it will knock the wind out of you, and is also smart and tightly written. Their organic method of playing with ideas and writing songs is another key factor of what makes BYD a little bit different and a whole lotta special. "Me and Mark are like peanut butter and jelly," Slim reveals. "We don't need to lock into a practice space with a bottle of whiskey and make a thing, with details all hidden. We go into my parents'living room, where he has electric drum set and I have a half stack, and we write and other members come in and contribute." Fun is an essential ingredient to the BYD sound, and they definitely strike the balance. "You can hear us having a good time," Slim points out. Indeed, if you've ever witnessed a BYD show, when they play their namesake song, there are massive pile-ons on stage, with kids clamoring for a chance to scream, "Bury your fuckin' dead" with Bruso (vox). "Having a good time is as important as the quality of the music, absolutely, 200 percent." Look for soon to be announced summer tour plans. [/QUOTE]
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