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help ADAI!!!

[Jun 29,2006 6:04pm - mOe ""]
Ok, so Colorado ambient, doom chaotic metal monsters Adai are on their way out to MA again, but this time to record an EP with none other than Kurt Ballou of Converge fame in his God City Studios

However they need some help filling out date on their way here and back, so if anyone could help them out with a show on:

July 22nd (anywhere in NE)
July 30th (anywhere in NE)
July 31st (anywhere in NE)

They and I would GREATLY appreciate it

If anyone needs a reminder these guys played the show i booked in Rindge last November and brought the house down.

check em out and HELP em out

[Jun 29,2006 6:54pm - mOe ""]
come on, now
[Jun 29,2006 6:55pm - blue nli  ""]
help these duders out.
[Jul 5,2006 10:58am - mOe ""]
[Jul 5,2006 11:03am - brian_dc ""]
agh...at the moment we have no shows in the end of July, so can't hook them up yet. they were great at FPC.

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