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GODLESS RISING officially sign to Moribund Records...

[Jul 4,2006 4:10pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
:NEWHORNS: :satancross: :NEWHORNS:

Celebrate by buying the debut CD...


[Jul 4,2006 4:34pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Wow, good for them.
Moribund is a pretty big lable although I've heard some horror stories about them and their relationships with their bands.
[Jul 4,2006 5:08pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Me too.

I have always gotten along well with Odin though.
[Jul 4,2006 5:35pm - fishcakes ""]
I've never heard of them...but I think jeff and paul know what they are doing...hope it works out ok for them...
[Jul 4,2006 5:49pm - dwellingsickness ""]
[Jul 4,2006 6:25pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, that's awesome, but seriously, what is funding moribund?
is this like WWIII music all over again?
it seems like they are dumping TONS of $$ in to new releases every month with no recoup time.
[Jul 4,2006 9:39pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Moribund puts out quality stuff, he has in-store distribution and his titles don't collect dust, they sell.
[Jul 5,2006 3:17pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jul 5,2006 3:22pm - the_reverend ""]
it just seems like he puts out A LOT of stuff. like I said, WWIII did this like 5 years ago and burnt out after 6 months.
[Jul 5,2006 6:49pm - thrash nigger  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Moribund puts out quality stuff, he has in-store distribution and his titles don't collect dust, they sell.

correct moribund titles do not collect dust, pathos titles collect dust
[Jul 5,2006 6:55pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jul 5,2006 10:53pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jun 2,2011 12:56pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]
[Dec 19,2011 11:05pm - ca_va_faire_une_maudite_poutin ""]
[Dec 19,2011 11:08pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]

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