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Its about time

[Oct 6,2003 5:32pm - moran ""]
Kittie play Jarrod's Place Oct. 16, whos going?
[Oct 6,2003 6:29pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 6,2003 6:30pm - baneofexistence ""]
dog<-- i hope you are kidding
[Oct 6,2003 6:34pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
They're on the Jarrod's calander but it's for Oct 22nd. Can we open for them? Hahahahah.


[Oct 7,2003 5:00am - moran ""]

Look at them. How can you not like them? They're so metal. They're eating something, you don't get much more metal than that.
[Oct 7,2003 8:42am - RustedAngel ""]
we eat meat everyday, whats the big deal?
[Oct 7,2003 4:23pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
You're not angsty girls.
[Oct 7,2003 4:40pm - tyagxgrind ""]
my question is what the fuck are they eating? ha
[Oct 7,2003 4:42pm - Beakey ""]
If you look close, Devon, the picture is of them conducting various assortments of foreplay with Joe Not Common.
[Oct 7,2003 4:44pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
If the world were a logical place they'd be eating some sort of giant mouse, but it looks more like Satan's vagina.
[Oct 7,2003 4:49pm - litacore ""]
shit, I'll go. I kinda like 'em. But then what would you expect from a neo-feminist bass cunt?

[Oct 7,2003 4:52pm - Beakey ""]
I'll go with you.
[Oct 7,2003 4:53pm - succubus ""]
i was going to say a satanic snake-unicorn


[Oct 7,2003 4:55pm - litacore ""]
succubus said:i was going to say a satanic snake-unicorn


[Oct 7,2003 5:36pm - moran ""]
Beakey and Litacore, you two wouldn't survive their show, its sssoooooo brutal, people bring razor blades and knives in with them, its so sik.
[Oct 7,2003 5:39pm - Beakey ""]
If I can bring a kick drum through five thousand screaming, drunk jocks after a Bill's Bar show, I can survive Kittie.
[Oct 7,2003 5:40pm - moran ""]
I don't know dude, these girls a bbrrruuttaalll.
[Oct 7,2003 5:40pm - Beakey ""]
My girlfriend kicked a young black boy that was in our way last night.
Now that's brutal.
[Oct 7,2003 5:57pm - moran ""]
[Oct 7,2003 7:03pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
litacore said:


i have no idea whats going on in that pic
[Oct 7,2003 7:13pm - Hoser ""]
"Kittie" and "Brutal", in the same sentence????

Dude or chick, you need a "SUFFOCATION" ENEMA if ya wanna know what "Brutal" is. I'll give ya three of my favorite CD's, and songs that will help you realize exactly what "Brutal" really is:

1.) Suffocation "Funeral Inception"
2.) Pig Destroyer "Explosions in Ward 6"
3.) Dying Fetus "Pissing in the Main Stream"

These are just 3 of my favorites....everyones opinion will vary. However...these are "Brutal" bands and songs. Check 'em out. You might never even think of seeing Kittie again. Hell, you may never again let that word, "Kittie" cross your lips again.

Have fun if ya go, but just give these a try. You won't be dissappointed.
[Oct 7,2003 7:23pm - moran ""]
I can't believe you took this thread seriously.
[Oct 7,2003 7:25pm - Hoser ""]
Ok...so I'm a retard. It's like helping an old lady across the street. Take it fer what it is...I had to help, I just couldn't resist. I couldn't allow any human to listen to that shit....sorry.
[Oct 7,2003 7:27pm - moran ""]
But I do agree with the Suffocation and Pig Destroyer, great bands.
[Oct 8,2003 9:49am - litacore ""]
thegreatspaldino said:litacore said:


i have no idea whats going on in that pic

the singer divebombed into me during a song. I made sure it was my last show with them. the drummer's under us both.
[Oct 8,2003 9:52am - litacore ""]
moran said:Beakey and Litacore, you two wouldn't survive their show, its sssoooooo brutal, people bring razor blades and knives in with them, its so sik.

sublime cadaveric decomposition
tori amos:ralphie::gun:

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