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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to tyagxgrind.
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[QUOTE="tyagxgrind:27597"]University of Joe McNamara said:[QUOTE]succubus said:[QUOTE]i was always under the impression bands got paid... it sucks that you don't for the most part...who makes the money at the door then? or is it because all the money goes to the venue? i mean...the promoter should give something..even if they lose money...i dunno...but at least gas like someone said above[/QUOTE] i would never pay a band if a show i book loses me money. but i rarely take a cut of shows I book, unless it does very well. And not to offend any bands, I wouldn't book a small time band who demands 50 bucks or any money actually. I thought about creating a 50 dollar guarantee for Disengaged in Boston though, to make sure they dont get screwed over because they definately draw enough to make atleast that at any club in the city. [/QUOTE] If you cant guarantee a band at least some money before playing thats just inconciderate and can get you on bad terms with lots of hardworking bands. $50 is not a lot of money at all. we usually travel with 3 cars to get us to shows. it prob costs us on average of $30 of gas to get there and maybe the same amount to get back. Not to mention taking work off. I saw that in an average 6 hour day after taxes I make about $50 so if I spend the same amount of time to prep and play a show I think thats worthwild. I'm not going to get in a debate about this anymore. If you dont like the policy then thats fine. Devon[/QUOTE]
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