Anyone from The Sickle or Box O Knives: email me[views:1713][posts:3]______________________________________ [Oct 16,2003 12:49am - tdbrecCrew ""] Email me about doing shows at your fine establishments: I want to do shows at either of your places in Nov/Dec thanks dudes! |
_____________________________________ [Oct 16,2003 11:57am - tyagxgrind ""] Tom from the Box Of Knives AIM : xXxSwornOathxXx I got Mike's phone number if you cant get a hold of Tom. Hope that helps. |
________________________________________________________ [Oct 16,2003 5:42pm - dave thenightmarecontinues... ""] the sickle's phone # is APE-YOLK. it's true. looking at the bands on your roster, i'm sure they'd work with you about doing a show there. if not, try the pink rabbit (upstairs from the sickle). |
____________________________________ [Oct 19,2003 11:25pm - dave tnc ""] oh yeah: |