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Finnish funeral doom special on WZBC this evening at 6

[Aug 25,2006 2:39pm - VoidExpression ""]
Hey guys, if you don't listen to WZBC regularly, every Friday at 6 one of the djs does a spotlight on an artist/niche genre/label/whatever, we call it Test Pattern. I'm filling in for someone last minute and am going to do a special spotlighting some of my favorite favorite Finnish funeral doom. Tracks from Skepticism, Thergothon, Shape of Despair, Fleshpress, and Wormphlegm will be on the menu, and maybe Tyranny if I have time.

Listen in if you'd like at 90.3 FM in Boston or http://www.wzbc.org on the internet. I'll probably record it and throw it up with the other shows on the Void Expression website as well.

[Aug 25,2006 2:40pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
Void - I've noticed you have exemplary taste. Tyranny is FUCKKING OPPRESSIV!!! Good shit.
[Aug 25,2006 2:49pm - Sacreligion ""]
what kind of broadcast range does that station have? would worcester pick it up?
[Aug 25,2006 3:04pm - litacore nli  ""]
awesome, Drew

keep it cold!
[Aug 25,2006 3:15pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Wormphlegm kicks serious ass, as do Shape of Despair, and Skepticism
[Aug 25,2006 3:17pm - VoidExpression ""]
Sacreligion said:what kind of broadcast range does that station have? would worcester pick it up?

I'm pretty sure it doesn't make it out to Worcester unfortunately.
[Aug 25,2006 3:18pm - Sacreligion ""]
damn...i guess i'll just have to listen to it not as loud on the computer
[Aug 25,2006 4:38pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Hahahah, it's going to be ALL Finnish funeral doom?

No Catacombs or Fungoid Stream? Or will you save that for the Cthulhu Doom special?
[Aug 25,2006 5:19pm - VoidExpression ""]
Ha, yeah, it's only an hour so it won't be too long. The slot is for djs to focus on a specific "obscure" artist or sub-sub-genre. Catacombs or Fungoid Stream aren't from Finland, but a Lovecraft metal show would have been an awesome idea too, that one's going in the books for next time!
[Aug 25,2006 5:20pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Oh, I realized that, I just thought they'd fit in well with what you are playing.
[Aug 25,2006 5:26pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
thergothon is classic funeral doom
[Aug 25,2006 5:55pm - dyingmuse ""]
fucking sweet!
[Aug 25,2006 5:56pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
Dan... are you into Thorns of the Carrion?
[Aug 25,2006 5:57pm - dyingmuse ""]
maybe mark can post our Skepticism cover for peeps that may be interested!
[Aug 25,2006 6:47pm - the_reverend ""]
ssslllllloooooowwwww.... I forgot I was sleepy until I tuned in. damn you!
[Aug 25,2006 6:50pm - SoulsOfTheSlain ""]
no new Ahab?
[Aug 25,2006 6:50pm - VoidExpression ""]
Yeah, it made me really sleepy too. Something went wrong when I went to record it but here was the playlist:

Thergothon - Everlasting
Skepticism - Sign of a Storm
Shape of Despair - Quite These Paintings Are
Fleshpress - Vortex
Wormphlegm - Tomb of the Ancient King
[Aug 25,2006 6:51pm - VoidExpression ""]
SoulsOfTheSlain said:no new Ahab?

not Finnish
[Aug 25,2006 6:53pm - Clinically Dead  ""]
Two words........Stabat Mater

Same guy who does Grunt and Clandestine Blaze, among countless others. Do yourself a favor and check it out. Great program, Thergothon were the shit.

Fuck, where can you find Wormphlegm stuff? I thought they had like one demo that was really limited. Help?
[Aug 25,2006 6:55pm - VoidExpression ""]
Painiac just put out the Wormphlegm. They also did the Stabat Mater/A.M. split that I'll be playing the next few weeks on my Sunday night show (which is why I didn't play any tonight). Both awesome and well worth the cash.
[Aug 25,2006 8:44pm - SoulsOfTheSlain ""]
Grang's almost funeral AND they have a new split out apparently.
[Aug 25,2006 8:50pm - xanonymousx ""]
Sacreligion said:damn...i guess i'll just have to listen to it not as loud on the computer

hook your computer up to your stereo.
[Aug 25,2006 8:56pm - the_reverend ""]
I listen for about 7 minutes (1/3 of one song) and the life essents was suck out of me. I still haven't recovered. the next 45 minutes of my drive were pure hell. I thought I heard the dude from khanate's voice in there.

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