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KISS Zionist Army

[Aug 26,2006 7:51pm - Troll ""]
[Aug 26,2006 8:08pm - allahthat ""]
thats so 1 sec ago
[Aug 26,2006 8:45pm - Troll ""]
What, that he's a jew?
Thats common knowledge.
I just thought it was a relevant piece to share with the rest of this forum.
Seeing how it's on a current anti-semetic kick.
[Aug 26,2006 9:37pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Heheh. Hilarious. But I still love Kiss.
[Aug 27,2006 12:35am - allahthat ""]
my cousin knows/worked for em.he said he went bowling with em before they performed without their make-up and nobody knew who they were.
[Aug 27,2006 10:15am - maslayer  ""]
Kiss rules...anyone catch Gene's show "Family Jewels"? pretty funny stuff
[Aug 27,2006 3:05pm - anonymous  ""]
That figures. FUCK ISRAEL and Gene Simmons too.
[Aug 27,2006 4:48pm - retzam ""]
Wow, kvlt grim gremlins are gonna have a hard decision to make. Should they embrace KISS for their grim korpsepaint, or should they shun them for their judaism? Let's consult overlord Varg! All hail the overlord!
[Aug 27,2006 5:20pm - allahthat ""]
god of thuder and rock and rrroooolllllll
[Aug 27,2006 5:42pm - CNV  ""]
I am just happy that the Israeli soldier is paralyzed from the chest down

[Aug 27,2006 5:49pm - anonymous  ""]
CNV said:I am just happy that the Israeli soldier is paralyzed from the chest down


Niiice !!
[Aug 27,2006 5:56pm - allahthat ""]
you suck.
[Aug 27,2006 8:12pm - anonymous  ""]
allahthat said:you suck.

You too shitbird.
[Aug 27,2006 8:14pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]

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