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The most disgusting "food" product ever:

[Aug 27,2006 12:08pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
Mallow Burgers. The day I opened a box at work and one of these was looking at me I almost threw up in my mouth:


There are also Marshmallow hot dogs, but I couldn't find any pictures.
[Aug 27,2006 12:11pm - dyingmuse ""]
what about fish tacos? those are pretty nast!
[Aug 27,2006 5:07pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
What the fuck is it made off , fish bladder and eggs?
[Aug 27,2006 5:10pm - pam ""]
[Aug 27,2006 5:22pm - niccolai ""]
... I vote ketchup.

I would rather haveto eat my way out of a 7000 gallon septic tank.

unless the people who own the septic tank are katchup eaters. gross.
[Aug 27,2006 8:31pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Sushi or Tofu :pukeface:
[Aug 27,2006 8:36pm - davefromthegrave ""]
that looks like a dog toy
[Aug 27,2006 10:01pm - Troll ""]
looks like job security for the dental industry
[Aug 27,2006 10:09pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 27,2006 10:16pm - dftg  ""]
white turds served inside half a chia pet. yummy.
[Aug 28,2006 12:33am - Hoser ""]
Is that an Urchin, man??
[Aug 28,2006 12:38am - the_reverend ""]
no, it's a durian fruit.
smells wworst that hoser's nads
[Aug 28,2006 1:41am - dwellingsickness ""]
But it taste wicked good
[Aug 28,2006 3:32am - allahthat ""]
let's cut the legs off of a cow and call it ground beef.
[Aug 28,2006 12:11pm - the rooster  ""]
that shit is GROSS. jeez.

the grossest food to me is those spicy pickled sausages they sell next to the registers at hoggie marts. crow always gets them when we drive out to NE and the whole fucking car stinks after he eats them.
[Aug 28,2006 1:00pm - Yeti ""]
thats like those orange circus peanuts. just the smell makes me nauseous.
[Aug 28,2006 3:05pm - davefromthegrave ""]
allahthat said:let's cut the legs off of a cow and call it ground beef.

why did allahthat cross the road? Cause his dick was stuck in the chicken.
[Aug 28,2006 4:49pm - allahthat ""]
that's no way to talk about your mother
[Aug 28,2006 4:57pm - succubus ""]
umm colored marshmallows? that's jsut candy... i wouldn't eat it but what abt all the gummies shaped like burgers?

you want REAL gross food

[Aug 28,2006 5:02pm - the rooster  ""]
that burger patty looks like it's coated w/ semen.

i hope crow chimes in on this one. he's a butcher... some of the shit he tells me about that people eat is grosser than gross.
[Aug 28,2006 5:05pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
oh those are old news, now a real product thats just vomit in a bottle. the new Ben and Jerry's milkshake.

its like drinking egg nog but B&J's ice cream flavored egg nog.
[Aug 28,2006 8:51pm - sphincter  ""]
Soylent green, the main ingredient is people. Soylent green is people!!!
[Aug 28,2006 10:21pm - anonymous  ""]
Those caramel Oreos SUCK!

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