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Show thursday in Allston

[Oct 21,2003 3:09pm - trinitytest ""]
Heres some upcoming Trinity Test shows if anyone is interested...

10-23 at O'Brien's (Allston, MA)
Price: $6 (21+)
Doors at 9pm
Bands: Bastos, HO' AG,Voodoo Screw Machine, Trinity Test

11-08 at Club Marque (Worcester, MA)
Bands: Bastos, Our Fate Ends, Nientara, Trinity Test

11-18 at Bridgewater State College (in the large ballroom)
Bands: Trinity Test, ???

More details up soon on http://trinitytest.com/tour_future.php

[Oct 21,2003 3:12pm - joe/notcommon ""]
i downloaded a trinity test song a few weeks ago
you guys are fucking awesome
if i can get some friends to go with me then i will be there
[Oct 21,2003 3:15pm - RustedAngel ""]
11-08 at Club Marque (Worcester, MA)
Bands: Bastos, Our Fate Ends, Nientara, Trinity Test

no thanks, nientara doesn't show up, i don't show up.

[Oct 21,2003 3:35pm - trinitytest ""]
Thanks joe, glad you like our stuff. should be a good show on thursday. The band Bastos, from what I heard, is good shit. I know two of the band members from high school - really talented musicians - so I am really excited to hear them live. And yea, then a few weeks later we play with them again. Good times.
[Oct 21,2003 3:41pm - trinitytest ""]
Oh yea, and we have a new singer now. Its Pat O'Dea, formerly of My Magnificent Machine. It'll be his first show as part of the band. He sounds excellent in my opinion.
[Oct 21,2003 3:42pm - joe/notcommon ""]
nice, i have no idea who he is but i saw you were looking for a singer.
i plan to book some more shows in early 04, i definately want to get you guys on something.
[Oct 21,2003 4:01pm - trinitytest ""]
nice. sounds great man, yea just toss me an email when things get going. Thanks! bob@trinitytest.com
[Oct 29,2003 1:20am - natenientara ""]
we're def playing the show. sorry about not being able to make the last one, we were just going through some lineup changes and other stuff. we'll see everyone at this one though!
[Oct 29,2003 12:00pm - xmikex ""]
RustedAngel said:11-08 at Club Marque (Worcester, MA)
Bands: Bastos, Our Fate Ends, Nientara, Trinity Test

no thanks, nientara doesn't show up, i don't show up.


club marque is a steaming pile of brontosauras shit. and thats a garbage reason to come down all the way from maine.
[Oct 29,2003 12:08pm - RustedAngel ""]
don't worry mike, i'm definetly not going to that.

i will go to the nov 29th show there though.

i think its a decent place to have shows.
[Nov 12,2003 12:43am - james  ""]
hey rusty cock...show your face at another our fate ends show when i am there which will be everyone from now on and i will bust your head like a fucking watermelon...fuck you...i happen to like our fate ends...get a life you fucking cum dumpster...haha..i am a fucking riot...dude whoever you are you just messed with the wrong band...me and all my friends are on your ass bitch!
[Nov 12,2003 12:44am - james  ""]
go see fucking good charlette you fucking poge
[Nov 12,2003 12:59am - dumbass  ""]
james said:hey rusty cock...show your face at another our fate ends show when i am there which will be everyone from now on and i will bust your head like a fucking watermelon...fuck you...i happen to like our fate ends...get a life you fucking cum dumpster...haha..i am a fucking riot...dude whoever you are you just messed with the wrong band...me and all my friends are on your ass bitch!

you're a total idiot if you're getting this heated over something that stupid over the internet. go stick your dick in a blender.
[Nov 12,2003 8:59am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
stop fighting among yourselves and go stick up for larry lifeless in the other thread
[Nov 12,2003 1:00pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 12,2003 4:30pm - phantos ""]
I need to see these guys. the mp3s sound killer.

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