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[Sep 18,2006 6:21pm - kadoogannnn  ""]
It was fun while it lasted. Almost 3 years, as a matter of fact...

[Sep 18,2006 6:22pm - kadoogannnn  ""]
haha red x's...

how appropriate.
[Sep 18,2006 6:23pm - kadoogannnn  ""]
[Sep 18,2006 6:25pm - RichHorror ""]
This fucking sucks.
[Sep 18,2006 9:22pm - Dissector ""]
What'st he reason?
[Sep 18,2006 9:40pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Dwyer lawsuit?
[Sep 18,2006 9:42pm - iren_the_viking ""]
what the fuck, you guys were one of the funnest bands to play with, now i need to get drunk
[Sep 19,2006 8:23am - kadoogannnn  ""]
none of us want to do it anymore, and it's been like a year since we practiced last, (not including the two shows we played in that time), and umm... dwyer's suing us apparently
[Sep 19,2006 8:25am - pam ""]
That's a shame. Exploding Christ might have been the greatest name for a band ever.
[Sep 19,2006 9:44am - paganmegan ""]
I was just wondering what was up with that band
[Sep 19,2006 9:44am - RichHorror ""]
I'm so upset at your lack of devotion to terrible music.
[Sep 19,2006 9:50am - RichHorror ""]
And also your lack of devotion to Sparkle Motion, obviously.
[Sep 19,2006 11:05am - eddie ""]
i'm gonna have to go listen to DVJ now
[Sep 19,2006 1:06pm - dwellingsickness ""]
That's too bad, EC was a killer band, hah I remember that arm wrestling championship..That was a awesome show
[Sep 19,2006 6:26pm - kadoogannnn  ""]
i think i'm gonna cry

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