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VITAL REMAINS 'Too Evil' For Bedford - Sep. 29, 2006

[Sep 30,2006 9:35pm - rotivore ""]
VITAL REMAINS 'Too Evil' For Bedford - Sep. 29, 2006

Scheduled to kick off their East Coast tour tomorrow (Saturday, Sept. 30) in Bedford, NH with DISMEMBER, GRAVE, DEMIRICOUS and WITHERED, VITAL REMAINS was notified yesterday that they were not welcome to perform at the first show. VITAL's guitarist, Tony Lazaro states, "We were scheduled to play with GRAVE and DISMEMBER up at Mark's Place in Bedford, NH but the promoter booted us from the show. He said since we are 'affiliated' with the 'evil' Glen Benton that he wanted nothing to do with us. I guess he had heard what happened at the DEICIDE show in TX, heard he sang for us on our last record and is gonna sing for us on this next one and was worried that, I don't know, we'd be sacrificing children of something. We told him that Glen wasn't even going to be on this tour with us. I think he's sitting home in Florida right now ready to go out on the road with DEICIDE. The guy didn't even care. We are guilty by association! We're sorry to anyone up there who was planning on seeing us. We'll try and get up there soon, we just need to find a promoter who isn't afraid of us, and by the way, everyone knows we sacrifice goats on stage, not children."

Scheduled to record the follow up to 2003's "Dechristianize" this winter, VITAL REMAINS has already announced that Glen Benton will be returning to record vocals for the new album.

Re-released this spring was the band's "Horrors Of Hell" compilation which contains the band's early demo recordings

Christan filth..........
[Sep 30,2006 9:55pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Did this really have to be posted a THIRD time?!
[Sep 30,2006 9:57pm - anonymous  ""]
Here is the real story from the club that i heard tonight not the Vital Remain camp... also vital wanted 1250+ the 250 they were suppose to be paid originally but then demanded another 1250 to play the show... totaling 1500... which is complete bs........fuck them..

Also I hear they might not be playing the other dates on this tour because they were suppose to share a bus with Dismember... but instead go a 15 pass van... so Dismember got fucked.. they were telling us at their merch table...
[Oct 1,2006 1:10pm - anonymous  ""]
vital remains is about as evil as a cupcake.
tony is a money hungry cockwad....thats the only reason for any of this.
[Oct 1,2006 1:30pm - Anti-Racism ""]
Heroin must have gotten more expensive.
[Oct 1,2006 1:38pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Anti-Racism said:Heroin must have gotten more expensive.

That is racist.

[Oct 2,2006 2:50pm - demondave@work  ""]
Why are all of the anti-Vital remarks done by someone anonymous? Is there another thread where someone logged in verifies this?
[Oct 2,2006 3:06pm - SteveOTB ""]
What happened in Texas? Once again completely out of the loop.
[Oct 2,2006 3:08pm - pam ""]
Good, get rid of Glen and tour with Anthony. He's better anyway.

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