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Spikefest show

[Oct 1,2006 11:30pm - vomitthesoul ""]
Anyone here know what other bands are gonna be on this bill besides CSDO?
[Oct 2,2006 6:22am - the_reverend ""]
never heard of this show.
[Oct 2,2006 6:30am - vomitthesoul ""]
Its a benefit show to raise money for Spike from DRI.He has cancer.I cant find any info on this show on the net.Eric from CSDO told me about it but he didnt mention the other bands that will be on the bill.
[Oct 4,2006 6:12am - anonymous  ""]
spikefest shows are being held all over the usa, mostly on fri 3, sat 4 & sun 5 november. check the dates at http://www.myspace.com/spikefest06 .
[Oct 4,2006 6:14am - Allah That  ""]
good luck spike.
[Oct 4,2006 6:23am - Allah That  ""]
good guy.
[Oct 4,2006 6:28pm - Allah That  ""]
[Oct 4,2006 7:52pm - Allah That  ""]
up be back soon?
[Oct 4,2006 9:44pm - vomitthesoul ""]

Idk if Im gonna to this show.Celtic Frost at the Palladium is the day after and Im gonna need $$ for that.
[Oct 4,2006 9:49pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
defenitly going to try and go to this. I'll gladly throw however much money to benefit Spike.
[Oct 4,2006 10:07pm - vomitthesoul ""]
The only band Ive heard on this bill is CSDO.Are any of the others Thrash or Death Metal?
[Oct 6,2006 3:39pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
SUBZERO from New York City are playing. They're kill hardcore (old style)!! SUPERPOWER is also playing.......... It's a $15.00 donation to get in. Plus, they'll be doing raffles. I'll throw some stuff in on that.

Hopefully, around springtime......... D.R.I. will be able to start touring again

I hope everybody goes to this show to help support my main man Spike!! We've been friends with them since the early 1990's. These guys have been a major influence on almost everybody in metal, punk or hardcore. Sike and Kurt are two of the best mother fuckers that you could ever meet..............


[Oct 6,2006 3:41pm - anonymous  ""]
Let the CSDO bashing begin LOL!!!
[Oct 6,2006 6:50pm - vomitthesoul ""]
No CSDO bashing yet,Im shocked.
[Oct 6,2006 7:45pm - Allah That  ""]
Isn't it in Pittsburg,and there's a band that's supposed to play called "Shit they're going to kill us". Yeah I hung out with Spike at a party in the early eighties in Houston.He's amazing.
[Oct 6,2006 7:59pm - Allah That  ""]
Oh, they're called "Oh shit they're going to kill us". They don't sound 1/2 bad.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[Oct 7,2006 3:15am - Allah That  ""]
Pittsburgh?, are you fucking kidding me? How pretentious can you get?
[Oct 8,2006 3:06am - anonymous  ""]
The SPIKEFEST's are happening all over the world! This is a good thing. And CSDO was invited to play.
[Oct 8,2006 3:26am - Allah That  ""]

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