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ok i didn't want to jinx it and i know most of you will think it's gay but

[Oct 27,2003 11:42am - baneofexistence ""]
we are getting one of our songs on WAAF'S Mantown DVD :nuke:
[Oct 27,2003 11:49am - phantos ""]
Mantown? ha.
what is it. a radio comp of local bands?

[Oct 27,2003 11:49am - the_reverend ""]
good for you.
too bad I hate that station.
I was forced to listen to that pile of crap for 3 months driving to work with my dad in early 2000.

they need to die of something painful
[Oct 27,2003 11:53am - baneofexistence ""]
i have no idea really as by the time they guys program is on i'm already 30ft+ underground
but i belive it involves scantly clad women and stuff
[Oct 27,2003 11:57am - baneofexistence ""]
thanks rev

the dj MIKE HSU who does "harder faster" has been really cool to us he came to overkill to see us but missed us to the start time push up

he loves local metal and is trying to get more heavier shit played on there
[Oct 27,2003 1:35pm - succubus ""]
awesome! let us know when it's out
[Oct 27,2003 1:59pm - baneofexistence ""]
will do i just sent the form in today autherizing the songs use and mike said he'd send me a copy of it

i realize most of you think HOW GAY THEIR GONNA BE ON A WAAF RELATED DVD but you know what any exposure is good exposure plus theres gonna be 1/2 nekid chicks on it :doublehorns:
[Oct 27,2003 2:02pm - tyagxgrind ""]
good for you guys! you deserve recognition as does Mass metal in general. w00t.

[Oct 27,2003 2:19pm - baneofexistence ""]

i am hopeing it will open the eyes to these sheep who are only into rehashed ratm/aic\stp garbage that there is more other styles out there besides that shit

has anyone read the interview with bruce dickenson in the new metal maniacs i only skimmed over it but but he was going off about the nu-metal and other metal stuff
[Oct 27,2003 2:20pm - succubus ""]
i went on their site and found this:


All dressed up and SOMEPLACE to go!

The missus on you that you never go "OUT ON THE TOWN" anymore?
Your gal pal complaining that you never take her anywhere "NICE" ?

Then 107.3 WAAF has the answer for you! Greg Hill & the Hillman Morning Show invite you to the WAAF/Jose Cuervo Mantown DVD Premiere! The Hollywood-style premiere party happens Tuesday, November 4th at 6:30 PM at Tequila Rain on Lansdowne St. and the DVD viewing scheduled to begin around 7:30 PM when the Mantown Calendar Girls arrive (but you know good lookin' chicks are always late!). Leave your paintspackled t-shirt in the garage and tell the ol' lady to put on the warpaint 'cause it's time to "tie one on" with the Hillman and the 2004 Mantown Calendar Girls. The only way to get on the guest list to this exclusive invitation only event is to listen to WAAF and the Hillman Morning Show.

Transportation provided by the Official Mantown DVD World Premier Party Limousine Compnay --Hogan's Limousine. Visit Hoganlimos.com. Tuxedos provided by Mr. Tux.

And keep your eyes out for the WAAF Miss Mantown DVD scheduled to hit WAAF.com & Newbury Comics before Halloween.
[Oct 27,2003 2:27pm - baneofexistence ""]
gues thats why he said to fax it today haha

due out before halloween
[Oct 29,2003 1:48pm - baneofexistence ""]
trailer to the dvd

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