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Dissection DVD

[Oct 15,2006 5:27pm - rotivore ""]
the dissection DVD is the greatest thing ive ever seen. what a great band they were. where dead angels lie maybe the greatest melodic black metal song ever. shove yer fuckin scene up yer ass. nothing compares...
[Oct 15,2006 6:06pm - CNV  ""]
I gotta see this
[Oct 15,2006 7:21pm - CNV  ""]
[Oct 15,2006 7:33pm - dreadkill ""]
where dead angels lie is definitely the greatest melodic black metal song ever.

[Oct 15,2006 7:39pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
a friend of mine has a bootleg video of dissection playing with naglfar, at the gates (just after slaughter of the soul came out) and one other band that i cannot remember right now. probably the greatest thing i've ever seen.
[Oct 16,2006 2:06pm - BornSoVile ""]
yes, i posted my appresh for this dvd as soon as i purchased it. honestly, mali kahli is one of the strongest tracks on the dvd too. hail dissection!
[Oct 16,2006 3:54pm - Phillip ""]
I too love this DVD
so good, sound is awesome
[Oct 16,2006 4:15pm - Murph ""]
I have a tape from Nuclear Blast of Dissection/Dimmu playing around 97'...its PHENOMENAL
[Oct 16,2006 4:41pm - Troll ""]
rotivore said:the dissection DVD is the greatest thing ive ever seen. what a great band they were. where dead angels lie maybe the greatest melodic black metal song ever. shove yer fuckin scene up yer ass. nothing compares...

Hey Rot!
We should have a heavy metal slumber party/viewing of the Dissection Video! You supply the soda and I'll bring the popcorn and low-fat yogurt!
Yipee!!! That would be totally grim!!!

[Oct 16,2006 4:42pm - Troll ""]
but seriously, I wanna see this vid.
[Oct 16,2006 5:13pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Troll said:
Hey Rot!
We should have a heavy metal slumber party/viewing of the Dissection Video! You supply the soda and I'll bring the popcorn and low-fat yogurt!
Yipee!!! That would be totally grim!!!

This sounds like an absurd amount of fun to me. Is there something wrong with that?
[Oct 16,2006 8:30pm - hungtableed  ""]
the dissection dvd does indeed fucking rule.

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