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When you're high...

[Oct 20,2006 8:25pm - Anti-Racism ""]
Drink lots of water.

My friend got this "Dutch surprise" his uncle has been growing under the fucking family garage, and it's fantastic. We've been lighting up after work and I haven't been drinking enough water, and now I haven't shit for four days.

A perfect mood in which to read the latest Antifa bulletin...
[Oct 20,2006 8:39pm - Willie Nelson  ""]

Damn straight, nigga!
[Oct 20,2006 8:59pm - anonymous  ""]
Anti-Racism said:Drink lots of water.

My friend got this "Dutch surprise" his uncle has been growing under the fucking family garage, and it's fantastic. We've been lighting up after work and I haven't been drinking enough water, and now I haven't shit for four days.

A perfect mood in which to read the latest Antifa bulletin...

Damn!! Your fucking up your system. Go buy an enenma LOL!!!
[Oct 20,2006 9:32pm - Anti-Racism ""]
[Oct 20,2006 10:53pm - sacreligion ""]
but seriously, who is into that shit enough to take pictures of it and i have to look at it through some ridiculous chain of events
[Oct 20,2006 11:26pm - Anti-Racism ""]
God works in mysterious ways. Praise the anal fountain!

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