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Sleeping Drunk Woman Holds Up Traffic in Kelley Square - Worcester, MA

[Nov 8,2006 5:00pm - Samantha ""]

(If you're not familiar with Kelley Square, it's the most insanely illogical and dangerous intersection I've ever seen. 5 streets converge into each other at one intersection, 290 and 146 are right nearby, and there are NO TRAFFIC LIGHTS!!)

First, there was a bad accident on Route 146 at 8am. Then, the police diverted traffic into Kelley Square, where they found a woman sleeping in the middle of the street. She turned out to be drunk (I would think you would have to be drunk in order to sleep in the middle of Kelley Square during rush hour), and they transferred her to a homeless shelter.

The article includes pictures of a police officer trying to wake the lady up.
[Nov 8,2006 10:36pm - anonymous  ""]
Samantha said:http://www.telegram.com/apps/pbcs.dll/arti...ID=/20061108/FRONTPAGENEWS/61108001
(I would think you would have to be drunk in order to sleep in the middle of Kelley Square during rush hour).

She probably just got tired figuring out how to get the fuck from one side to the other. Worst. Intersection. Ever.


[Nov 8,2006 10:39pm - DYA NLI  ""]
That was me.
[Nov 9,2006 10:33am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
Kelly square should be a crash level in the game Burnout. But in all seriousnous the best way to get through Kelly Sq is to barrel hold down your horn, hold up your middle finger, swear out the window loudly and let no one get in your way.
[Nov 9,2006 10:35am - Yeti ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:Kelly square should be a crash level in the game Burnout.

HA! brilliant. yeah i am a Worcester native and i will avoid Kelley Square at all costs. coming from 290 down Vernon St is just insane.
[Nov 9,2006 11:06am - sinistas ""]
I have to walk through Kelley Square from Vernon to get to work. Ugh.
[Nov 9,2006 11:22am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
it helps to have a flying car in situations like this. you do have a flying car right?
[Nov 9,2006 11:22am - Josh_hates_you ""]
I drive thru kelly sq like there are no other cars there.

It's all you pussies that think the intersection is scary that make it dangerous. Never know when you faggots are gonna suddenly stop to let someone go just cause it looks they are gonna go anyways.
[Nov 9,2006 11:54am - Beaver McD  ""]
If you have the right of way going through Kelley Square is a breeze, if you have to go any other way through it your pretty much fucked.
[Nov 9,2006 12:26pm - xmikex ""]
I've got to hand it to women. They never rest in their battle to find new and innovative ways to be annoying, and a failure.

... not even when they're sleeping.
[Nov 9,2006 12:44pm - Yeti ""]
i force my way through Kelley Square, you are right Josh its the people who just stop "just in case" someone doesnt stop. if i have the right of way i am not going to stop, and if some asshole doesnt yield well then i am rich.
[Nov 10,2006 10:37am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i don't think it's that bad unless there is traffic(and about 30 people are trying to go to the same place making like 3 lanes when there should only be one)
[Nov 10,2006 12:59pm - ariavette ""]
how much do you seriously have to drink to be pass out in a busy intersection? i would really like to know...
[Nov 10,2006 6:20pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
ariavette said:how much do you seriously have to drink to be pass out in a busy intersection? i would really like to know...

Well, who's buying?
[Nov 22,2006 5:07pm - the_reverend ""]
I hate spambots
[Nov 22,2006 7:38pm - infoterror ""]
Ban *.ru

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