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I just pissed into my singer's mouth.

[Nov 12,2006 4:56pm - NoneSoMoustache  ""]
During a break in the midst of practicing last night, I went outside to relieve myself. I go around the front of the building, get some privacy, and let fly my stream of golden justice. At this point I'm peeing on this huge window type thing with a small hole. As any man peeing would, I directed my stream into the hole.
It was then when I started to hear my band in the hallway below the window talking. Suddenly I hear my singer say "Aw dude, that just got in my mouth."
My friend Cote then confirmed that the foriegn substance that had gotten into his mouth was my piss. I then finished up quickly to run downstairs and laugh at that dumbass for drinking my urine.
[Nov 12,2006 6:13pm - Dissector ""]
That reminds me of a time me and a friend of mine jacked off and came into crackers and my guitarist ate them.
[Nov 12,2006 6:22pm - lollercopter  ""]
That reminds me of the time i fucked a cat
[Nov 12,2006 6:37pm - allah that  ""]
my fag boss peed on my leg when i was 16.
[Nov 12,2006 9:45pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
Dissector said:That reminds me of a time me and a friend of mine jacked off and came into crackers and my guitarist ate them.

and now he tells horribly cheesy jokes all day to get back at you. WAS IT WORTH IT?!?!?!?!
[Nov 13,2006 8:37am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Every time I look at this thread title I think it says "I just pissed into my sister's mouth" for a second.
[Nov 13,2006 1:01pm - SinisterMinister ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Every time I look at this thread title I think it says "I just pissed into my sister's mouth" for a second.

That's a whole different story. Now I'm an only child.
[Nov 13,2006 1:02pm - dreadkill ""]
i pissed on the back of my sister's pants while she was wearing them back when we were little.
[Nov 13,2006 1:04pm - RichHorror ""]
Dissector said:That reminds me of a time me and a friend of mine jacked off and came into crackers and my guitarist ate them.

Hearing that story was my best birthday present this year.
[Nov 13,2006 4:13pm - DeRtOxIa ""]
Dissector said:That reminds me of a time me and a friend of mine jacked off and came into crackers and my guitarist ate them.

....so you and a friend jacked off together?
[Nov 13,2006 4:16pm - DeRtOxIa ""]
"My roommate and I were at a party and all these frat-tastic fucks were playing beer pong. Annoyed by polo shirts and popped collars, my roommate grabbed a cup. After pissing into the cup outside, he switched the water/rinse cup with the pee cup. Here is a shot of these guys rinsing their balls in my roommates urine as they continue the game of beer pong. Enjoy."

...found this funny and relevant
[Nov 17,2006 3:22pm - Dissector ""]
DeRtOxIa said:Dissector said:That reminds me of a time me and a friend of mine jacked off and came into crackers and my guitarist ate them.

....so you and a friend jacked off together?

No we each took it to the bathroom seperately.
[Nov 17,2006 4:21pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
Dertoxia, you sir, are a champion.
[Jun 23,2010 11:57pm - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]
[Jun 24,2010 5:46am - douchebag_patrol ""]

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