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Bands in Need of a Website CONTACT ME

[Nov 2,2003 6:49pm - WebBastard ""]
Sup people this is the WebBastard. I work for Billy Milano aka M.O.D. & S.O.D.

Right now I am in between some shit and have time to do some sites for any band that is need. No its not free... but I'm not going to rob you either.

If you want to have me do your site email me.
contact me at
or @

[Nov 3,2003 1:58am - George ""]
how much?
[Nov 3,2003 8:20am - RustedAngel ""]
*laughs at anyone who pays this guy to do a website for them*
[Nov 3,2003 10:22am - George ""]
sorry im internet retarted
[Nov 3,2003 1:11pm - Lynneaus ""]
hey dont be mean tom... i told him about this place to let people know about him services... if ur not interested ur not interested ... if u are.. email him... not hard :P
[Nov 3,2003 1:21pm - WebBastard ""]
Sup Dude... Price depends on how much work the site is.
Email me with your info and I'll work something out for you.
[Nov 3,2003 2:38pm - RustedAngel ""]

willing to pay for a website, come to us...


whoops our site's not even done yet :spineyes:
[Nov 3,2003 2:41pm - the_reverend ""]
I wanted to lease another server and then get bands to do $5 per month hosting so they never have to deal with cjb.net
but getting people to pay for stuff sucks.
[Nov 3,2003 2:45pm - succubus ""]
guess that's why i suck
[Nov 3,2003 2:58pm - Beakey ""]
I would gladly pay you $5.00 a month to not deal with cjb.net.
[Nov 3,2003 5:01pm - George ""]
all i know is my band needs a website, and i am completely retarted when it comes to html, and clueless as to how to go about doing anything like that.
[Nov 3,2003 5:44pm - Sinistas ""]
I was thinking along the same lines, Rev.

[Nov 3,2003 6:11pm - dreadkill ""]
since we are on the topic, i might as well add that i am a freelance designer looking for more web work. i have a dual bfa from umass dartmouth in graphic design and electronic imaging. if anyone is interested in checking out my work let me know. i'm starting to get into the freelance business and i'm looking to build a clientele.
[Nov 4,2003 6:25am - Sinistas ""]
Ken, we could always combine forces... dun dun DUN!!!
[Nov 4,2003 8:03am - the_reverend ""]
or with me.
then, we take over the world!
[Nov 4,2003 8:36am - Sinistas ""]
I think you may be on to something, Rev.
[Nov 4,2003 9:46am - trinitytest ""]
...more self whoring...

I am also a web designer and developer. I am part of a two man design team thats just starting up. Our site isn't done yet either. But its gonna look something like this (very not done)...


My portfolio site is up though, so give it a look...


If anyones interested email bmckee@bywires.com .
[Nov 4,2003 10:56am - dreadkill ""]
i like this taking over the world idea. let's do it
[Nov 4,2003 1:10pm - Dreaded_Silence ""]
I disagree Ken...the likes of you, scott and the rev. joining forces to take over the world is highly unlikely especially when you have the Extreme Metal Force of myself, Bill Gates, and Stephen Hawking running the world right now! :doublehorns:
[Nov 4,2003 1:26pm - Sinistas ""]
you forgot Jim Carey (that episode of Carey f/Hawking on Conan was the best ever)
[Nov 4,2003 2:17pm - dreadkill ""]
this is starting to turn into a ds thread. we are one of those secret bands that no one knows about. we keep a low profile. our last show was in march 2002, with a very different lineup. we'll be back with a full lineup at the kc's tap show on 11/19. since most of the people on this board are shroud of bereavement/ascendancy fans, i'm sure we'll see a lot of you there. that reminds me, we need to practice extra for this show.
[Nov 4,2003 2:23pm - Dreaded_Silence ""]
of course, how could i forget Jim Carey! and Conan too, we shall conquer with Eliza Dushku by our sides mmmm
[Dec 16,2004 8:05pm - anonymous  ""]
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