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Yeah, still hunting for a second guitarist and a bassist...

[Nov 27,2006 9:50pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Still. Yep. I got clips of my playing and/or songwriting scattered about a couple Myspaces. (http://www.myspace.com/thehiryuu ...or http://www.myspace.com/goddamnitwtfd00d if you're in a goofy mood) I got the drummer covered, kid's ridiculous. Unfortunately, those songs don't have him on there, but he could handle that stuff easy. Vocals are covered too. She's crazy, growls awesome. Sings great too. This band's probably going to be a bit more death/black-metally than those songs on the Myspaces, so don't worry.

IM's HiryuuZero. Or IM the lovely lady, ivehemencei.
[Nov 27,2006 10:40pm - i_am_not_me ""]
It would probably greatly assist my cause if I mentioned I'm based out of Hudson.
[Nov 28,2006 12:48am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
mass or nh? I ask because hudson nh is right next to me and i play bass
[Nov 28,2006 6:17am - i_am_not_logged_in  ""]
Shit, it's MA. Forgot to mention.
[Nov 28,2006 8:30am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
whoa i'm in hudson right now. yippy.
[Nov 28,2006 10:13am - i_am_not_logged_in  ""]
Really? Cool.
[Nov 28,2006 10:15am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
you guys practice around here?
[Nov 28,2006 6:13pm - i_am_not_logged_in  ""]
Yeah, we practice in Hudson (Well, we're sort of stalling getting it going, things have come up...like my amp shitting the bed...that have delayed practices)

What days are you up for? And I lost your SN from when you IMed me earlier, because I'm dumb like that.
[Nov 28,2006 6:30pm - i_am_not_logged_in  ""]
Yeah, we practice in Hudson (Well, we're sort of stalling getting it going, things have come up...like my amp shitting the bed...that have delayed practices)

What days are you up for? And I lost your SN from when you IMed me earlier, because I'm dumb like that.
[Nov 28,2006 6:30pm - i_am_not_logged_in  ""]
Shit, thought it didn't post that first time. Internet was fucking up.
[Nov 28,2006 11:24pm - Abyss ""]
How far is that from Ashby, Leominster? abyssal_dimension@yahoo.com
I play guitar, drums. And have a bass player.
[Nov 29,2006 9:57am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
hey i'm pretty much available any day of the week after 5. my sn is .... Suprcoole - but for some reason i can no longer connect to aim at work.
[Nov 30,2006 9:50am - i_am_not_logged_in  ""]
I may soon potentially only be available Mondays after 5 (And early Saturdays if that counts), depending on if I get this job I'm applying for.
[Nov 30,2006 9:52am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]

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