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not the eyeball i was looking for

[Nov 30,2006 10:47pm - succubus ""]
yeah so i asked but no one ever replied...do you remember a movie..it's old...late 70's early 80's...where a guy gets into an accident and he's basically an eye ball and see's his wife with another man?



[Nov 30,2006 10:48pm - succubus ""]
[img]anyone ever see this movie?

[Nov 30,2006 11:03pm - the_reverend ""]
sounds to artsy for me.
[Nov 30,2006 11:27pm - dftg  ""]
all I can think of is an episode of aqua teen hunger force
[Nov 30,2006 11:28pm - Dissector ""]
succubus said:[img]anyone ever see this movie?


Good flick if you're into really old (1962) black and white horror. Probably boring to must people but I like that old sci-fi shit
[Nov 30,2006 11:29pm - Dissector ""]
About this eyeball movie? What more can you tell me about it? It must have been in color right if you think it comes from the 70s?
[Nov 30,2006 11:33pm - Cecchini ""]
the brain that wouldnt die was only good when it was on mst3k.

the new misfits had a song called the crawling eye which was ripped from that movie.
[Dec 1,2006 9:11am - succubus ""]
yep it's in color...i think (stress the think part) that the actors might have had english accents...i just remember a scene in a hospital like room where a man (either a male friend or a doctor) was talking to the girl and the eyeball was in a glass case and when he would freak out the eye would twitch and you'd hear it beeping.
[Dec 1,2006 10:47am - succubus ""]
[Dec 1,2006 10:47am - Yeti ""]
these arent the droids we're looking for
[Dec 1,2006 10:52am - sacreligion ""]

I saw this the first weekend we got digital cable at my house. it might be one of the worst movies of all time
[Dec 1,2006 10:56am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
dftg said:all I can think of is an episode of aqua teen hunger force

Ha that one was on last night.

"Is that why my knees are startin to tear up?"

[Dec 4,2006 3:21pm - Dissector ""]
succubus said:yep it's in color...i think (stress the think part) that the actors might have had english accents...i just remember a scene in a hospital like room where a man (either a male friend or a doctor) was talking to the girl and the eyeball was in a glass case and when he would freak out the eye would twitch and you'd hear it beeping.

I have no idea.
[Oct 21,2007 7:55pm - succubus ""]
i FOUND it!
thanks to a film message board I post on...

someone suggested "the brain" and it sounded like a possibility...but then someone else posted a link to the story..and i remembed TV and cigarettes!



actual story:
[Oct 22,2007 1:04am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
succubus said:[img]

This is an excellent first season episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

[Oct 22,2007 7:59pm - succubus ""]
anyone familiar with tales of the unexpected?
[Oct 23,2007 10:15pm - succubus ""]
guess not
[Oct 24,2007 7:35am - demondave ""]
[Oct 24,2007 7:37am - demondave ""]
1. Man From the South
Community Score
9.0 Superb
First aired: 3/24/1979

A young American sailor on shore-leave in the West Indies is tempted by a crazy bet. To win a new Cadillac, all he needs to do is to make his cigarette-lighter light ten times without any failures. In return, he has to stake one of his fingers. But what is the truth about Carlos, the high-rolling old man who has proposed the bet?
[Oct 24,2007 11:10am - GoatCatalyst ""]
you eye-talians and your eyeball fetishes...


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