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ATTN: Reverend "Global Holocaust + Driller Killer"

[Dec 18,2006 7:29am - Troll ""]
Don't know if you'll still be visiting up in Montreal at this time but if so, go to this show!
You will not regret it!

[Dec 18,2006 9:03am - the_reverend ""]
I'm only going to be up there for next weekend. too bad. the flyer looks fly
[Dec 18,2006 9:49am - Dissector ""]
Damn, I wish I was in Montreal that weekend. Is Driller Killer playing any shows around here?
[Dec 18,2006 9:55am - hunterhunter ""]
[Dec 18,2006 9:19pm - INFECT ""]
oh shit, i was gonna go there for new years, but now i may have to delay that trip by a week
[Dec 18,2006 9:20pm - Kevord ""]
I heard that Driller Killer just canceled their U.S. tour.
[Dec 18,2006 9:30pm - INFECT ""]
feckin GHEYYYY dood
[Dec 18,2006 9:33pm - hunterhunter ""]
Kevord said:I heard that Driller Killer just canceled their U.S. tour.

DUH....iz canAnDas PaRt of ThE U.s.?

[Dec 18,2006 9:36pm - Kevord ""]
Dissector said:Damn, I wish I was in Montreal that weekend. Is Driller Killer playing any shows around here?

It was in response to this. I obviously know Canada is not in the U.S. dumbass.
[Dec 18,2006 9:38pm - hunterhunter ""]
hahaha i was talking to INFECT (marcus)
he plays bass in deathamphetamine and i was giving him shit causes its funny to
[Dec 18,2006 9:40pm - Kevord ""]
LoL, sorry dude. You quoted me. I was just defending myself.
[Dec 18,2006 9:41pm - hunterhunter ""]
its word man
yeah i should have quoted him too
[Dec 19,2006 12:15am - INFECT ""]
i just figured if they canceled the US tour theyre not gonna make it to canada either
but what do i know, i just play bass
[Dec 19,2006 3:37pm - hunterhunter ""]
you basshole

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