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Reflections, Newbedford, MA

[Dec 19,2006 9:10am - atthehaunted ""]
I hope Reflections starts having shows again. Some of the best shows I have been to have been there, lynchpin, the awakened, thousands shall fall, as the sun sets, forcefedglass, again without feeling, there were wires, and so many more have played there. Memories nothing more then memories hopefully it becomes a reality because I want to put on another Chariots of Fire Fest.
[Dec 19,2006 9:15am - atthehaunted ""]
Can't forget letters from the dead, I'm pretty sure they played there, oh and eviscerate, neil perry, joshua fit for battle, the burned bridges, Negative Reasoning
[Dec 19,2006 9:15am - atthehaunted ""]
[Dec 19,2006 9:27am - aaron_michael ""]
agreed. that place was where I spent the majority of my youth since I had a girlfriend who lived a block away. I loved always seeing Again Without Feeling, Thousands Shall Fall, Archaic, Eviscerate, Moment, Ictus, and My Magnificent Machine there. haha. this is a great thread.
brings a proverbial tear to my eye.
[Dec 19,2006 9:33am - aaron_michael ""]
oh yeah, the only time I ever saw American Nightmare was there and I got thumped with the singer's nub. Can't forget Escher, XfilesX, OPTERASIS, Jar Full of Bees, Sicken(Held Hostage), Seven Day Curse, and Plague of Emaciation(Letters From the Dead)
[Dec 19,2006 9:41am - atthehaunted ""]
I started tearing up when I actually saw a flyer with reflections on it.
[Dec 19,2006 9:44am - aaron_michael ""]
haha, supposedly they're doing shows again, so it would be really nice to play there. When I finally started playing in bands, they had already shut down Reflection and the Taunton American Legion, so I was bummed I couldn't play my old stomping grounds
[Dec 19,2006 9:48am - xmikex ""]
I think we played our first show as letters from the dead at reflections haha with The Genome Processes. We borrowed Beyond the Embrace's red flood lights it looked cool as hell. Gaskill played.... haha.
[Dec 19,2006 9:57am - atthehaunted ""]
Beyond the sixth seal played there too, and yes Escher was one of my fav. bands at the time. Enemy soil played there too I loved those grindcore fuckers
[Dec 19,2006 12:05pm - anonymous  ""]

[Dec 19,2006 12:07pm - pam ""]
The Accursed played Chariots of Fire I think, looooong time ago.
[Dec 19,2006 12:08pm - dreadkill ""]
we played chariots of fire when it was in taunton. i started posting on this board the next day.
[Dec 19,2006 12:11pm - pam ""]
I can't remember why I started posting here, I met Aaron on the internets and told him to label his radio "nun raping radio" and that was the start of our beautiful friendship.
[Dec 19,2006 12:12pm - pam ""]
The rest of RTTP has rued the day ever since.
[Dec 19,2006 12:14pm - dreadkill ""]
we played chariots of fire fest back in 2002, and i got an email the next morning from this weird guy telling me he took pictures of my band and posted them on his website. nearly 5 years later, i'm pretty much the only person besides the reverend who still posts from that era of rttp.
[Dec 19,2006 12:15pm - atthehaunted ""]
Ya I want to do it again but I don't know where to put it since the last day people broke tables and a railing. They didn't have shows for a while after that. And the action taken also went on to play in end it all which will prob. be playing at chariots and the accursed will prob. too and anyone else that would like once we get things all taken care of.
[Dec 19,2006 12:17pm - atthehaunted ""]
I have a sticker from that show and I was like wtf is rttp and since then it's been my metal bible
[Dec 19,2006 12:17pm - Joshtruction ""]
dreadkill said:we played chariots of fire when it was in taunton. i started posting on this board the next day.

Correct it was in taunton. Talks of us putting on COF 07 are floating around. I guess time will tell if we do it.

for more reflections bands:
All Chrome
Kid dynamite
Hot water music
eviscerate (sp)
the year of our lord
eternal suffering

Hopefully I can start booking there again soon. In fact since i got out of work early I am going to call them right now. I was in that place every weekend for many many years.

[Dec 19,2006 12:18pm - Joshtruction ""]
dreadkill said:we played chariots of fire fest back in 2002, and i got an email the next morning from this weird guy telling me he took pictures of my band and posted them on his website. nearly 5 years later, i'm pretty much the only person besides the reverend who still posts from that era of rttp.

and me. and xmikex
[Dec 19,2006 12:20pm - atthehaunted ""]
Josh COF 07 we need to talk about it and Turbine
[Dec 19,2006 12:21pm - Joshtruction ""]
ok, just got of the phone and once again, no more shows there :(
[Dec 19,2006 12:21pm - atthehaunted ""]
[Dec 19,2006 12:21pm - atthehaunted ""]
Josh go on aim
[Dec 19,2006 12:22pm - dreadkill ""]
Joshtruction said:dreadkill said:we played chariots of fire fest back in 2002, and i got an email the next morning from this weird guy telling me he took pictures of my band and posted them on his website. nearly 5 years later, i'm pretty much the only person besides the reverend who still posts from that era of rttp.

and me. and xmikex

i was unaware that you posted here back then. xmikex joined the forum a couple months after i did. i should have remembered that. :spineyes:
[Dec 19,2006 12:22pm - Joshtruction ""]
atthehaunted said:Josh go on aim

I am, I jsut keep ym away up to get rid of people I don't like. IM me.
[Dec 19,2006 12:23pm - atthehaunted ""]
Chariots helped RTTP I feel honored
[Dec 19,2006 12:24pm - Joshtruction ""]
dreadkill said:Joshtruction said:dreadkill said:we played chariots of fire fest back in 2002, and i got an email the next morning from this weird guy telling me he took pictures of my band and posted them on his website. nearly 5 years later, i'm pretty much the only person besides the reverend who still posts from that era of rttp.

and me. and xmikex

i was unaware that you posted here back then. xmikex joined the forum a couple months after i did. i should have remembered that. :spineyes:

yeah I am pretty sure I was posting under the name XJOSHX at the time. wait... I think I didn't even register a name at first, then registerd, then forgot the log in info, then posted anonymous for a long ass time, then not too long ago made this name. I dunno, something like that.

[Dec 19,2006 12:24pm - dreadkill ""]
[Dec 19,2006 12:27pm - atthehaunted ""]
Yo butt slut I imed u
[Dec 19,2006 12:31pm - Cecchini ""]
dreadkill said:we played chariots of fire fest back in 2002, and i got an email the next morning from this weird guy telling me he took pictures of my band and posted them on his website. nearly 5 years later, i'm pretty much the only person besides the reverend who still posts from that era of rttp.

did he send you nudes to?
[Dec 19,2006 12:35pm - atthehaunted ""]
Josh I am at work haha, sorry can't answer my phone but I can talk on aim cuz it's so boring I want to kill myself
[Dec 19,2006 12:36pm - Joshtruction ""]
atthehaunted said:Yo butt slut I imed u

I didn't get shit. you IMing the right screen name? InDireNeed?
[Dec 19,2006 12:37pm - xmikex ""]
[Dec 19,2006 1:03pm - aaron_michael ""]
tough guy bruce
[Dec 19,2006 8:27pm - hunterhunter ""]
i used to play there all the time with my band Danger Field (pat flynn from have heart singing)
we played with toxic narcotic all the time, beyond authority, thousands shall fall, disaster strikes/ fallen short, and even ratos de porao!
[Dec 20,2006 4:34am - horror_tang ""]
Sorry, but the Kurfew had much better shows.
[Dec 20,2006 8:12am - atthehaunted ""]
Kurfew haha Reflections is legendary Kurfew sounds gay
[Dec 20,2006 8:14am - RichHorror ""]
You're a retard. Reflections is legendary for fucking over the 'scene' in New Bedford so junkies can have a new jukebox.
[Dec 20,2006 8:18am - atthehaunted ""]
It's only a one guy who worked there that was a piece of shit, he ruined it for "the scene"
[Dec 20,2006 8:21am - RichHorror ""]
Next time speak in English please.

Every fat piece of ex-junkie garbage I ever encountered there was a piece of shit that needs to get killed. Once they got enough money from the shows to fix up their crack den, they cancelled shows without warning. Refer to them already not doing shows again to back up my claims.

Kurfew did in fact have amazing hardcore-punk-metal shows. If you don't know what you're talking about, kindly shut the fuck up.
[Dec 20,2006 8:25am - atthehaunted ""]
Sorry I put an a before one, I didn't mean to offend an English teacher who is on rttp more then anyone else in the world, and if u didn't know I'm sure reflections did in fact have better shows then Kurfew u were just too retarded to see it, cuz Kurfew was having it's gay bash at the same time, which u may have attended
[Dec 20,2006 8:52am - RichHorror ""]
Kurfew was around years before Reflections even existed, dumbfuck. You were too busy being the result of a 30 rack of Natural Ice, the backseat of a rusted-out Buick and the Greatest Hits of Boz Scaggs to notice.
[Dec 20,2006 8:55am - atthehaunted ""]
Don't forget that my parents both had mullets, if your gonna make fun of me do it right. haha
[Dec 20,2006 9:12am - aaron_michael ""]
new bedfid.
check out Eric Almeida's arm.
[Dec 20,2006 9:16am - atthehaunted ""]
haha eric is my gay lover

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