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Dec 22 (Fri) - Nocturnum,The Shadows Smile,Silent Factor,Habitual Offendaz,Throne of Hate, Teebag, Anomia; 21+, $6, 8PM - Rox's (124 Main St. Oxford, MA) +

Throne of Hate, Nocturnum,The Shadows Smile & more Friday Dec. 22

[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Dec 19,2006 10:43am - Samantha ""]

I don't think that this flyer is correct because I'm fairly sure that Face Full of Shotgun is NOT doing this show. (Rox's made the flyer.)

As far as I know, this should be the correct list of bands:

For Reasons Unknown
The Shadows Smile
Silent Factor
Habitual Offendaz
Throne Of Hate

I don't know what the order will be, but this should be a good show.

Now, let the bashing of Rox's and typical RTTP douchebaggery commence...
[Dec 19,2006 12:42pm - Yeti ""]
something tells me that Habitual Offendaz are out of place with Nocturnum and Throne of Hate. i dont know about the others though.
[Dec 19,2006 12:46pm - sacreligion ""]
i wanna see anomia...i hear they're nasty

and they use an awesome arnold quote in one of their songs, which is a deal breaker right there
[Dec 19,2006 12:52pm - Samantha ""]
Yeti said:something tells me that Habitual Offendaz are out of place with Nocturnum and Throne of Hate. i dont know about the others though.

I was wondering about that, too. It sounds like the name of a hip hop band. I looked them up on myspace, and they describe themselves as Hardcore/Metal. http://www.myspace.com/habitualoffendaz

[Dec 19,2006 12:58pm - sacreligion ""]
one of those habitual offendaz dudes was at that milly's show we played in NH a couple weeks ago...cool guy, but i can't make any judgments on their music as i haven't heard any of it yet
[Dec 20,2006 2:34pm - Samantha ""]
[Dec 20,2006 3:24pm - sacreligion ""]
hmm...this is also our keyboardist's birthday

what to do, what to do
[Dec 20,2006 3:25pm - Samantha ""]
sacreligion said:hmm...this is also our keyboardist's birthday

what to do, what to do

I have a friend whose birthday is on the 23rd. Since a lot of people will be away or busy for the holidays, I suggested that he celebrate his birthday at the show. ;)
[Dec 20,2006 6:04pm - Black Metal  ""]
This show is going to be awesome!!!
[Dec 21,2006 11:30am - Samantha ""]
Here is the order from first to last:

For Reasons Unknown
The Shadows Smile
Silent Factor
Throne Of Hate
Habitual Offendaz
[Dec 21,2006 12:02pm - Shannon ""]

Throne of hate,fucking brutal shit!!!!
[Dec 22,2006 11:40am - Samantha ""]
[Dec 22,2006 4:46pm - Samantha ""]
[Dec 22,2006 5:05pm - MadOakDevin ""]
i haven't heard any of these bands
[Dec 22,2006 5:07pm - RichHorror ""]
Throne of Hate is pretty rad. No clue about the rest.
[Dec 22,2006 5:22pm - Kevord ""]
Fuck this. I guy I work with just gave me BEERS FROM AROUND THE WORLD!!!!
[Dec 26,2006 12:16pm - Samantha ""]
Throne of Hate is really good, sick, old school death metal.

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