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Prank This

[Dec 23,2006 6:22pm - anonymous  ""]
If anyone is bored and has a private or unavailable number feel free to call this number for pranks....

This is a number of a friend of mine who owes me big money for some weed and cheated with my girlfriend...I wish I could just shoot him.:spineyes:
[Dec 24,2006 1:57am - xmikex ""]
you won't shoot him
[Dec 24,2006 2:07am - Dissector ""]
Yeah, you won't do it. Seriously, pranking somebody because they cheated with your girlfriend? Are you a 13 year old girl?
[Dec 24,2006 12:02pm - sxealex ""]
actually i think its a pretty good tactic. no one gets hurt just really annoyed.
[Dec 24,2006 12:08pm - KeithMutiny ""]
if all your doing is pranking the dude for fucking your broad, your a bitch.
[Dec 24,2006 12:10pm - hunterhunter ""]
just fuck her mother!
[Dec 24,2006 1:28pm - Dissector ""]
KeithMutiny said:if all your doing is pranking the dude for fucking your broad, your a bitch.

Yeah that's what I was getting at. If somebody fucked my girl he'd probably be in a coma right now. Both of them
[Dec 26,2006 7:49pm - anonymous  ""]
Well I called it and left a weird message and I hope he get a laugh out of it. I wish I could be there to see his face.
[Dec 26,2006 7:50pm - anonymous  ""]
Ok, I am bored, but it cool to leave a message for no reason and I don't really care what the reason is....this is a freeby!!
[Dec 26,2006 7:52pm - Anal Bleed  ""]
I guess no one else is good enough to do this, but they will say all the shit they want on this board.... we are all losers!!
[Dec 27,2006 12:35am - horror_tang ""]
I am going to call and tell him he rules for stealing your woman.
[Dec 27,2006 12:52am - GRUNDLE GREMLIN  ""]
suck it up and deal with it sissy.Your girl cheated on you with some scum-bag.If I were you I would Re-evalute my relationship....and then I would realize that I was dating a slut. So You+Panic at the Disco+Jim Beam(also J.D or, Old Crow or even some wine pussy) etc,get over it. I will call him.And I will call him and tell him to fuck her again because you are a fuckin winebox.
[Dec 27,2006 12:56am - GRUNDLE GREMLIN  ""]
stop being a fucking pussy and kick his ass,unless your girl is just a fuckin whore,then tell her to call me, unless you guys are in high school,I would suggest that you stop being a fuckin wanker.Girlsfriends you have will cheat on you if you suck man. Welcometo the Planet Errf.
[Dec 27,2006 9:27am - anonymous  ""]
here's another # 207-807-0009 I hear some good blowing going on....with a big mouth you can sux off anyone.......
[Dec 27,2006 10:17pm - anonymous  ""]
So did any one actaully call the first number and if so,what happened?
[Dec 28,2006 8:06pm - anonymous  ""]
Thanks for all the macho replies, but I did fuck her friend and then screwed her over big time, because she is big piece of shit...So my revenge was sweet, but figure to let other enjoy the fun!

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