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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to aeser.
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[QUOTE="aeser:548239"]pay to play is the most desperate pathetic thing i can think of doing, and lets for a moment examine the excuses sheisty cheapskates give to justify this: 1: "oh you're an unknown band and this is a chance to get some precious exposure" yea, you're unknown, the best way to get known is to WRITE SOME GOOD FUCKING MUSIC AND RECORD AND RELEASE IT EITHER YOURSELF OR ON A LABEL IF YOU ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO HAVE ONE ASK YOU TO DO A RECORD, and playing a lot of shows where you don't get total bitch timeslots, you don't get big by paying to open for some huge headliner because guess what, people couldn't give a shit about your band and most won't even show up till you're done playing because %99.9999999 of the time opening bands suck and people are there to see headliners, not you, if you happen to kick so much ass that you WOULD get anywhere off playing that ONE show opening for a national, then you can also make a name for yourself playing smaller shows on a regular basis and getting your records out there, and that $375 or $1000 or whatever ridiculous ammount buys some decent studio time and or pays for cd pressing, so you decide which is better to spend your money on 2: "oh well you can just sell tickets and make your money back" what schmuck buys tickets to a show from some random band? people buy them from the venue or ticketmaster or whatever the fuck, no ones gonna give YOU the same ammount of money they'd pay the venue itself, you are going to get stuck with the tickets, count it as a loss, the best you can do is offer them at half price or some goddamn incentive for your friends to buy them from you vs. the venue itself if your venue cannot draw enough people to pay the bands their guarentee and make enough of a profit on top of it and on drinks to make it worthwhile to stay open you're fucking up somehow, either by not drawing enough people, or by guarenteeing a band the ammount of money you guarenteed them. marks has a ridiculously sick sound system and enough space for decent sized shows, and at least says they spend $100,000 a year on promotion, which all makes sense for huge shows, the only thing i can think of going against it is it's location, the middle of nowhere in bedford nh you have this major venue, and people in new hampshire just plain don't go to shows (with a handfull of exceptions, like the rev of course who's at every goddamn show that occurs anywhere in new england). people in NH are more likely to go to a show in boston or worcester than a show in their backyard for some reason, which i saw repeatedly in the 10+ years i lived there, whereas you look at vermont or maine or of course boston and worcester and people do bother to go to shows in their own area.[/QUOTE]
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