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Born Against apreeeeeeeeeeesh

[Dec 29,2006 8:08pm - RichHorror ""]
Suck my fuckin' lizard.
[Dec 29,2006 8:15pm - RichHorror ""]
Better show than anything ever in the history of the universe.

[Dec 29,2006 9:00pm - Lamp ""]
Yeah, that flyer is in Armageddon Shop, it blew my mind when I saw it.

Can this also be the Men's Recovery Project appreciation thread?
[Dec 29,2006 9:02pm - RichHorror ""]
I approve.
[Dec 29,2006 9:03pm - RichHorror ""]
Not Born Against, but I think for this year's covers night we're doing a set of Infest or Spazz.
[Dec 29,2006 9:15pm - hunterhunter ""]
born against are fuckin dead
thats what the answering machine said
looks like theyre dead.....
they talked one to many shit bout the working class and the government

one of my all time favorites
[Dec 29,2006 9:17pm - hunterhunter ""]
born against > MRP
no comparison
[Dec 29,2006 9:17pm - Lamp ""]
RichHorror said:Not Born Against, but I think for this year's covers night we're doing a set of Infest or Spazz.

If you play this at a place I can get in and play Mindless, please announce it so I can sing along all the words.
[Dec 29,2006 9:19pm - RichHorror ""]
Mindless is easy, we've done that off and on for the last three years.
[Dec 29,2006 9:23pm - hunterhunter ""]
if you do anything I will sing the words, since i know (or once did 5-6 yrs ago) all the words to every song
[Dec 29,2006 9:23pm - RichHorror ""]
Infest is the greatest band of all time.
[Dec 29,2006 9:25pm - hunterhunter ""]
RichHorror said:Infest is what crabs do on my ball.

[Dec 29,2006 9:26pm - RichHorror ""]
Oh yeah, and I'd like to play somewhere you can see us, Mr. Lamp... but someone told me we don't get booked in PVD because people think I'm going to say a bunch of fucked up white power shit. I don't know how true that is, but there you go.
[Dec 29,2006 9:26pm - RichHorror ""]
hunterhunter said:RichHorror said:Infest is what crabs do on my ball.

This is sad and true.
[Dec 29,2006 9:30pm - hunterhunter ""]
i had a friend in elementary school who had an undescended testie until he was like 14
[Dec 29,2006 9:35pm - RichHorror ""]
That's a sad story.
[Dec 29,2006 9:36pm - hunterhunter ""]
actually it was funny
especially when he confided in me adn i told the whole school
[Dec 29,2006 9:38pm - RichHorror ""]
You're a king among peasants.
[Dec 29,2006 9:39pm - Lamp ""]
RichHorror said:Oh yeah, and I'd like to play somewhere you can see us, Mr. Lamp... but someone told me we don't get booked in PVD because people think I'm going to say a bunch of fucked up white power shit. I don't know how true that is, but there you go.

I have no clue, all I know is that the damn city of Providence is full of politically correct crusties that probably wouldn't take too kindly to lyrics about doing drugs and raping hookers. Fuck 'em.

PS: I have no insider view on scene politics in Providence, this is just my guess, I just go to shows.
[Dec 29,2006 9:40pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, that was my guess too. We've played exactly one DIY show in PVD, at which I crapped my pants during our set. I sadly don't expect us to get asked to play anymore.
[Dec 29,2006 9:41pm - Lamp ""]
You should change your band name to something Swedish sounding and attempt to fool everybody.
[Dec 29,2006 9:42pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, time to go to the umlaut store.
[Dec 29,2006 9:42pm - RichHorror ""]
Rich Horror & The Screaming Wooden Shoes.

I know, that's Dutch. Shut up.
[Dec 29,2006 9:44pm - Lamp ""]
Rych Haôrur and the Scræming Neurvos Brakdùns?
[Dec 29,2006 9:45pm - RichHorror ""]
I will dress as the swedish chef from the Muppet Show.
[Dec 29,2006 9:46pm - Lamp ""]
Well, on a more serious note, maybe you can try and jump on one of the so-called tough guy shows at the Pawtucket American Legion? They're moving all the 230 Oak shows there.
[Dec 29,2006 11:00pm - RichHorror ""]
Maybe. I know Bob Otis wants to book us at Redrum once a show that we'd fit on comes around. Hopefully.
[Dec 29,2006 11:01pm - RichHorror ""]
But anyway.

[Dec 29,2006 11:35pm - Lamp ""]
I've got the Rebel Sound of Shit and Failure and an LP of Battle Hymns. I need to the Nine Patriotic Songs still. There was a copy in Armageddon Shop not long ago but I didn't feel much like plunking down 15 dollars for it for some reason.

I also have to figure out how to book shows.
[Jan 2,2007 1:38am - RichHorror ""]

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