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Need another band to play in Lowell, MA on 4/18/07

[Jan 7,2007 11:03pm - Afar ""]
Looking for a 3rd band to play with Afar and Closed Casket on 4/18/07 at the 8-11:30 free show at fox hall at UMass, Lowell (MA). Preferably black/death metal, thanks.
Interested parties email: afarband (at) yahoo. com with band name, site, etc.

Or alternatively, keep this thread bumped with pictures of pteradactyl porn. :ralphie:
[Jan 7,2007 11:04pm - sacreligion ""]
we've played shows up there before and have done rather well...our bassist goes there

you have mail
[Jan 8,2007 11:27am - JDDomination ""]
Dominatus could probably play this, Ill email you
[Jan 8,2007 11:35am - aaron_michael ""]

The Mammon Machine will do it free of charge.
[Jan 8,2007 12:19pm - the illustrious silketh von supper  ""]
gallows or ramp to masada would be down.
[Jan 8,2007 1:12pm - BrianDBB  ""]
I just sent you an e-mail, we'd love to play.

Drive-By Bukkake
[Jan 11,2007 10:19am - JDDomination ""]
[Jan 11,2007 10:23am - JDDomination ""]

enjoy dinopervs
[Jan 11,2007 12:13pm - SinisterMinister ""]
[Jan 11,2007 12:57pm - f_n_a ""]
myspace.com/ramptomasada we'd like to play
[Jan 11,2007 12:59pm - SinisterMinister ""]
SinisterMinister said:myspace.com/brutalnumber2

Two UMass Lowell students in the band, so we could find the venue pretty easily.
[Jan 11,2007 8:38pm - Morbid BMR  ""]
www.myspace.com/burnmyremains we are from Lowell and shred

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