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Quite possible the greatest Classic Metal song ever????

[Jan 7,2007 11:03pm - Hoser ""]
In my opinion....it is.

[Jan 7,2007 11:06pm - Hoser ""]

Another one.....
[Jan 7,2007 11:07pm - Hoser ""]
And yet another fantastic performance....


[Jan 8,2007 12:10am - Beorht-Dana ""]
Sorry, the title of "Greatest Metal song" has already been given to "Hallowed Be Thy Name" by Iron Maiden. Here's the proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6YzI-c1KM8

I do dig Therion though.
[Jan 8,2007 12:46am - Kaldgrani  ""]
[Jan 8,2007 1:47am - Dwellingsickness ""]
Alright Hoser, We all know you got a boner for Therion
[Jan 8,2007 2:30am - sacreligion ""]
i dunno dude...that's a bold claim for this song
[Jan 8,2007 10:37am - hunterhunter ""]

now THATS an awesome song
[Jan 8,2007 10:42am - sacreligion ""]
hunterhunter said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHcOZhFkEU4

now THATS an awesome song

[Jan 8,2007 10:42am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
hunterhunter said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHcOZhFkEU4

now THATS an awesome song

Never heard these guys before but i must say i am very impressed with this tune. might have to pick a disc... any recommendations?

[Jan 8,2007 10:45am - Beorht-Dana ""]
hunterhunter said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHcOZhFkEU4

now THATS an awesome song

The new album is good but The Mantle is still their masterpiece.
[Jan 8,2007 10:51am - hunterhunter ""]
yes the mantle is awesome
as is the new one ashes against the grain
[Jan 8,2007 10:52am - hunterhunter ""]
the song is actually edited way down for the video, the original is much longer and more epic
[Jan 9,2007 2:08pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Hahaha it is an abba cover, but still amazing, the abba version is awesome too.

I have three different versions of the therion one too, I have no idea why there are three different ones, one is obviously the video edit, the other two are the same length, just different keyboards and one is a lot more bass driven.

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