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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to anon.
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[QUOTE="anon:558260"]Josh_Martin said:[QUOTE] I just read this again and are you seriously expecting ANYONE to feel sorry for you? You just said that the less money you pay out to your workers, the bigger your bonus is. [/QUOTE] Good job reading. Now try again, and this time go for comprehension too. Or is that asking a little too much of you? I don't rake in huge bonuses from stiffing kids on wages. I receive the "bonus" portion of my salary for meeting budget expectations, where if I DON'T meet my budgets I will most likely lose my job. Any retail management position you find usually pays the same way. You hear the word "bonus", and immediately draw conclusions that are way off base. And again, the example I gave is to show WHERE the money for wage increases is going to come from. Most companies are paying out MILLIONS of dollars in wage increases due to the minimum wage increase. They're going to cut that money anywhere they can find, especially by taking it out of the people who are making MORE than minimum wage. I already explained, theres advanced opportunities for anyone who wants to step up to higher position to make more money. Anyone who works for me that wants more money ALWAYS has that option, and I've always encouraged it. In fact, in the week since the wage increase, I've just pushed 3 kids through for additional raises, because they were already making 7.50 after years of busting ass and getting small raises here and there, and now they were making the same amount as kids who'd just been hired off the street. It's not that I am screwing people out of money, it's quite the opposite. Before, I'd be paying a kid off the street working his first job ever for a little extra spending money in high school 6.75, and that kid working 35 hours a week on top of going to college and trying to scrape up a little savings would get the most I could get them, 8 or 9 dollars, whatever. Now, no matter the circumstances, I'm budgeted to a point that they're both gonna get stuck with 7.50. And before you get all pissed at the evil corporate entities screwing people out of money, we're talking about millions of dollars in increased labor costs. If you were the business owner yourself, you'd probably end up having to close your doors, or layoff a lot of good hard working people. But good for you, Josh! Good of you to hope my house gets foreclosed on. I guess that also means you're happy about the college kids that won't be getting the raises they deserve this year. You're probably happy for the people that will now be stuck working twice as hard, because I'm left with fewer people to cover the schedule due to budget cuts. Most likely you relish that your friends and family working for my company are all affected by this, one way or another. Not just my company, but many others as well. You go Josh! Stick it to the man! [/QUOTE]
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