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[Jan 16,2007 6:57pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I just found out a girl I went to high school with just died. My friend is telling me she committed suicide...

This just sucks.

[Jan 16,2007 7:19pm - the_reverend ""]
she probably was really annoying.
[Jan 16,2007 7:40pm - SinisterMinister ""]
Wrong place for sympathy.
[Jan 16,2007 7:46pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
one less human.
[Jan 16,2007 7:57pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Yeah, shitty place for sympathy. Hearing about about young suicides kinda make me sad I have to say. It is sad if she did indeed do it.

What's "conquer the baphomet" all about? as an CONQURE it? That a christian thing?
[Jan 16,2007 7:59pm - powerkok ""]
Is this your first friend that has passed? Was she even your friend??
I remember the first time I heard my friend was killed, or killed himself, it sucks.

Now, it seems like I have more dead friends/family than living ones.

But dammit if Im not grateful for the living ones.
[Jan 16,2007 7:59pm - yummy ""]
I hate when people I know kill themselves. They forced me to waste my time on them.
[Jan 16,2007 7:59pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Oh, you are christian. hehe
[Jan 16,2007 8:05pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
powerkok said:Is this your first friend that has passed? Was she even your friend??
I remember the first time I heard my friend was killed, or killed himself, it sucks.

Now, it seems like I have more dead friends/family than living ones.

But dammit if Im not grateful for the living ones.

This is the second person I knew that has died. I knew her all throughout high school.
[Jan 16,2007 8:20pm - Hoser ""]
I've buried 3 of my friends, and one former girlfriend (almost married her) since high school. All suicides. Sucks to hear that man.....1 jumped from a bridge, 2 hanged themselves, and the only one to go out in style was my ex-girlfriend of 3 years.....she put a .38 slug in her head. All shitty funerals to attend.....having to hug their parents was the worst. They see me and look around for their kid only to realize that he is dead. I feel for their parents, I couldn't imagine what they go through. Imagine having to make funeral arrangements for your kid!?....unimaginable....makes me sick.

Ya'll take care of yourselves and if you ever get really depressed....email Dr. Hoser....Anus Technician and Grief Counseler extraordinaire.
[Jan 16,2007 8:26pm - yummy ""]
In all sincerity...I am sorry for anyone's loss of a loved one. Hoser, I had a similar experience at a wake where my friend's father told me if I see his son around to tell him he said hello and that his door is always open. His son was laying in the casket across from him. Yeah...sick.
[Jan 16,2007 8:27pm - retzam ""]
I'm glad to see sympathy where I expect it least.
[Jan 16,2007 8:27pm - retzam ""]
Really, it makes me a little hopeful.
[Jan 16,2007 8:36pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Perhaps she didn't embrace jesus.
Tisk tisk.
[Jan 16,2007 9:50pm - Ryan_M ""]
Some girl I used to go to high school with supposedly tried to kill herself by asphyxiating herself in a locked car. She ended up dying on the way to the hospital. I used to talk to her at lunch somtimes and I wanted to slam the fucking bejesus out of her, but when I found out she died I felt nothing, I didn't really care; in fact me and my friend made jokes about it.
I have little to no pity for suicides.
[Jan 16,2007 10:10pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Ryan_M said:Some girl I used to go to high school with supposedly tried to kill herself by asphyxiating herself in a locked car. She ended up dying on the way to the hospital. I used to talk to her at lunch somtimes and I wanted to slam the fucking bejesus out of her, but when I found out she died I felt nothing, I didn't really care; in fact me and my friend made jokes about it.
I have little to no pity for suicides.

You fool. You should have followed the ambulance and raped her in the morgue at the hospital.
[Jan 16,2007 10:12pm - yummy ""]
like any other normal human being
[Jan 16,2007 11:19pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Yea, suicides are hard to understand when there are so many other options to deal with life but she was a really popular girl, Dean's list kid, cliche after cliche.

I'm gonna go to the wake tomorrow.
[Jan 16,2007 11:21pm - Lamp ""]
Her parents probably beat her until she started kicking everyone's ass at life.
[Jan 16,2007 11:23pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
She has a picture in the link I provided. She was a very pretty girl.
[Jan 16,2007 11:38pm - Ryan_M ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:she was a really popular girl, Dean's list kid, cliche after cliche.

Yeah the girl I knew was the kind that I never would have expected to try to kill herself; she always seemed really happy, always smiling, loved art, listened to a lot of punk bands with positive lyrics, did well in school, her parents seemed like real nice people...

Funny how some people you think are really happy and they end up taking their own lives. I guess that's what pisses me off most about suicides and leaves me without much sympathy for them; they seem so happy and strong willed, then they go and kill themselves, which to me, in most cases is nothing short of pathetic. It's like someone try to make an ass out of you.
[Jan 16,2007 11:53pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Well, all I can really say at this point is life moves on. I feel bad for her family and can't imagine what they're going through.
[Jan 17,2007 7:00am - Messerschmitt ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Ryan_M said:Some girl I used to go to high school with supposedly tried to kill herself by asphyxiating herself in a locked car. She ended up dying on the way to the hospital. I used to talk to her at lunch somtimes and I wanted to slam the fucking bejesus out of her, but when I found out she died I felt nothing, I didn't really care; in fact me and my friend made jokes about it.
I have little to no pity for suicides.

You fool. You should have followed the ambulance and raped her in the morgue at the hospital.

you know what they say about those asphyxiation chicks.... wooooo eeeeee. msd is right. she probably would have been down.
[Jan 17,2007 9:19am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Heard it from another room
Eyes were waking up just to fall asleep
Loves like suicide
Dazed out in a garden bed
With a broken neck lays my broken gift
Just like suicide

And my last ditch
Was my last brick
Lent to finish her
Finish her

Bit down on the bullet now
I had a taste so sour
I had to think of something sweet
Loves like suicide
Safe outside my gilded cage
With an ounce of pain
I wield a ton of rage
Just like suicide

With eyes of blood
And bitter blue
How I feel for you
I feel for you

She lived like a murder
How shed fly so sweetly
She lived like a murder
But she died
Just like suicide
[Jan 17,2007 10:14am - Lamp ""]
That's the gayest thing I've ever partially read.
[Jan 17,2007 10:16am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Lamp said:That's the gayest thing I've ever partially read.

What, the lyrics?
[Jan 17,2007 10:18am - Lamp ""]
[Jan 17,2007 10:35am - Yeti ""]
are you afraid?
afraid to die?
dont be afraid
to try
[Jan 17,2007 10:37am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Thats one of my favorite Soundgarden songs. I fail to see whats gay about it... its actually an incredibly depressing song.
[Jan 17,2007 10:38am - Messerschmitt ""]
soundgarden rules
[Jan 17,2007 10:42am - sxealex ""]
yea sound garden rules and that song rules... but they do have 75%shitty lyrics
[Jan 17,2007 10:45am - Messerschmitt ""]
yeeeeeeah man
[Jan 17,2007 10:48am - the_reverend ""]
maybe shitty lyrics is their way to make the revolution happen. thing about it.
[Jan 17,2007 10:49am - Messerschmitt ""]
seriously... think about it
[Jan 17,2007 11:51am - Lamp ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:Soundgarden song

Ah, the gay factor just went up 5000% percent, thanks.
[Jan 17,2007 12:00pm - largefreakatzero ""]
According to Christian philosophy, since she took her own life, no heaven for her. She will either get:
A. Purgatory
B. H-E-Double Hockey Sticks
Haha, what a silly religion.
[Jan 17,2007 12:05pm - pam ""]
So far people I went to highschool with have been murdered, OD'd, died in car accidents and one almost died in a motorcycle accident and lived only to die later of an allergic reaction. I don't think any have off'd themselves yet...I can think of about 50 who should.

Badmotorfinger was a good album.
[Jan 17,2007 12:49pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
largefreakatzero said:According to Christian philosophy, since she took her own life, no heaven for her. She will either get:
A. Purgatory
B. H-E-Double Hockey Sticks
Haha, what a silly religion.

Purgatory is a Catholic thing.
[Jan 17,2007 1:14pm - Yeti ""]
Messerschmitt said:seriously... think about it

ahem, thing* about it.
[Jan 17,2007 2:24pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
the only person i've ever known that comes to mind that killed himself was a kid named dan schlegel or something like that. he skated right in front of a train on purpose. there are a lot of people i grew up with that ended up dying from drugs and/or alcohol, in which case is sort of like suicide since they brought it upon themselves. i've never really felt much emotion about them after they die. the only 2 people i've known that have died that i felt really depressed about were my grandfather on my mom's side of the family and my last dog...not quite a person, but you get it.
[Jan 17,2007 2:28pm - ram_girl ""]
none were suicide, but in just over 2 years my mom, my aunt who raised me, my brother, my cousin I lived with and another aunt passed away. Death sucks!!!
[Jan 17,2007 3:17pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
[Jan 17,2007 3:22pm - ram_girl ""]
yeah.....pretty fucked up....
[Jan 17,2007 3:26pm - the_reverend ""]
Purgatory was cancelled.
[Jan 17,2007 3:27pm - ariavette ""]
you would feel differently if it had happened to you.i can promise you that . the only opinions on this topic i would ever listen too are those of ppl who have actually lost someone that was CLOSE to them to suicide..

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