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Motley Crue live in Boston: Shout at the Devil tour

[Jan 25,2007 4:56pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Motley Crue at the Orpheum 5/31/84. Before they turned into poofters. This show fucking rules!

[Jan 25,2007 6:58pm - brad nli  ""]
sick! hey , i'll be in Nashua all next week. 781-820-6977, gimmie a call!
[Jan 25,2007 7:35pm - xanonymousx ""]
the crue! SICK
[Jan 25,2007 9:01pm - Anthony ""]
this shit rules
[Jan 25,2007 9:52pm - maslayer  ""]
Amazing...this was my first concert ever...Ratt opened for them on this!
[Jan 25,2007 11:42pm - xanonymousx ""]
thats a sick first concert.

my first was aerosmith.
[Jan 26,2007 2:24am - Dar ""]
thank you for posting this shit Josh, I'm loving it
if anyone has mp3s of vintage crue concerts like this I'd love to hear them
[Jan 26,2007 8:17am - Josh_Martin ""]
Brad, is that your cell or home phone#?
[Jan 26,2007 8:18am - Josh_Martin ""]
maslayer said:Amazing...this was my first concert ever...Ratt opened for them on this!

Cool. I didn't get to see 'em until '87.

My first concert was Kiss on the Lick it Up tour. Accept opened, Balls to the Wall tour.
[Jan 26,2007 12:13pm - brad nli  ""]
cell. i'm stayin at the Sheraton of exit one on route 3, going to a class off exit seven. btw, that site fuckin RULES, good find

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