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Touring touring touring...

[Feb 14,2007 11:56am - Josh_Martin ""]
...Keep them doggies touring.....

Anal Cunt

2/23 Worcester, MA London Billiards
2/24 Virginia Beach, Va Phil's Grill
2/25 Harrisonburg, VA Crayola House
3/2 Lemoyne, PA Champion Ship
3/3 Hagerstown, MD Hidalgos
3/4 Springfield, VA Jaxx
3/8 Portland, ME Geno's
3/9 Rochester, NY Montage Music Hall
3/10 Evansville, IN 1123
3/11 Cleveland, OH Grog Shop
3/12 Wheeling, WV Yesterdays
3/13 Southgate, MI Modern Exchange
3/14 Chicago, IL tba
3/15 Milwaukee, WI tba
3/16 tba
3/17 Aurora, CO Hubbas
3/18 tba
3/19 Seattle, WA Studio Seven
3/20 Portland, OR Hawthorne Theater
3/21 Ceres, CA tba
3/22 Sacramento, CA tba
3/23 Modesto, CA Fat City
3/24 Phoenix, AZ tba
3/25 Hollywood, CA Knitting Factory
3/26 Albuquerque, NM Compound
3/27 McAllen, TX Metropolis
3/28 Austin, TX Emo's
3/29 tba
3/30 Pulaski, VA tba
3/31 Philadelphia, PA tba

[Feb 14,2007 12:08pm - greggdeadfacenli  ""]
yall shud come out to oakland. i will set up a show.
[Feb 14,2007 12:12pm - Josh_Martin ""]
We're using a booking agent this time. DIY is a big pain in the ass.
[Feb 14,2007 3:45pm - W3 nli  ""]
phil's grill is about the size of OBs
[Feb 14,2007 4:03pm - greggdeadfacenli  ""]
get ya booker to get a show either in oakland or in richmond at the burnt ramen.and i f i can help with anything please let me know.
[Feb 15,2007 8:53am - Josh_Martin ""]
I added more dates above.

Here's a retarded interview we did outside the Carnivore show in Brooklyn last month http://www.lietv.com/analcunt07.htm
[Feb 15,2007 10:08am - Kinslayer  ""]
That dude doing the interview was a fucking tool...
[Feb 15,2007 11:34am - Josh_Martin ""]
Yay, the Phoenix show is an early show. I get to see Repulsion after all. Fucking finally!
[Feb 15,2007 11:52am - dj death  ""]
haha, that interview... Take care on tour.
[Feb 15,2007 12:10pm - greggdeadfacenli  ""]
holy shit yall are playn modesto there aint shit out here hahahahaha i shud know i live out in modesto hahahahaha,but at least there will be an awsome show to go to maybe i will try to get my band on it.
[Feb 15,2007 12:13pm - CNV  ""]
AC in England !!!

[Feb 15,2007 12:18pm - milk sacks  ""]
So Josh, did you quit that office job or what? -milk
[Feb 15,2007 1:28pm - Josh_Martin ""]
greggdeadfacenli said:holy shit yall are playn modesto there aint shit out here hahahahaha i shud know i live out in modesto hahahahaha,but at least there will be an awsome show to go to maybe i will try to get my band on it.

That show is with the Meat Shits.
[Feb 16,2007 12:29pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I think that show in Modesto is actually in San Francisco.
[Feb 16,2007 12:34pm - SteveOTB ""]
I'll see you on the 23rd Josh, my brother's band is playing that show too.
[Feb 16,2007 12:50pm - anonymous  ""]
snoring snoring snoring...
[Mar 8,2007 4:59pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Bye ya'll
Updated dates below.

3/9 Rochester, NY Montage Music Hall
3/10 Huntingburg, IN Voodoo Dolls
3/11 Cleveland, OH Grog Shop
3/12 Wheeling, WV Yesterdays
3/13 Southgate, MI Modern Exchange
3/14 S. Barrington, IL Penny Road Pub
3/15 Milwaukee, WI Cactus Club
3/16 Des Moines, IA Hairy Mary's
3/17 Aurora, CO Hubbas
3/18 Salt Lake City, UT Urban Lounge
3/19 Seattle, WA Studio Seven
3/20 Portland, OR Hawthorne Theater
3/21 Ceres, CA The Workshop
3/22 San Francisco, CA Fat City
3/23 Sacramento, CA On The Y
3/24 Tempe, AZ Big Fish Pub
3/25 Hollywood, CA Knitting Factory
3/26 Albuquerque, NM Compound
3/27 McAllen, TX Metropolis
3/28 Austin, TX Emo's
3/29 tba
3/30 Spartanburg, SC Ground Zero
3/31 North Carolina TBA

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