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attn: powerkok

[Feb 15,2007 8:07pm - W3 nli  ""]
after fucking around with the ak and the shotguns

my roomates and i are interested in getting some of our own.

all we have here is .22 nothing serious whats some good sites to check this shit out on, neither of us really know shit about guns. to not get screwed on pricing and the such.

any help would be amazing.
[Feb 15,2007 8:10pm - Messerschmitt ""]
fucking amateur
[Feb 15,2007 8:10pm - dftg  ""]
[Feb 15,2007 8:10pm - W3 nli  ""]
it clearly says that, glad you can read.

any other amazing talents.
[Feb 15,2007 8:11pm - dftg  ""]
he can balance two balls on his chin
[Feb 15,2007 8:11pm - W3 nli  ""]
W3 nli said:it clearly says that, glad you can read.

any other amazing talents.

takes a deep breath and steps back awaits more bad teeth comments and the oncoming mom fucking jokes.
[Feb 15,2007 8:12pm - W3 nli  ""]
dftg said:he can balance two balls on his chin

she's a young lady of course she can do that.
[Feb 15,2007 8:14pm - powerkok ""]
Shotgun news sucks.

will have the best prices anywhere, you just have to find out what gun shop in your area will do a transfer.
Usually its 25 for pistols/ 50 for rifles.

300 is a decent starting range for a Romanian ak. A russian is a few hundred more.

Look into an sks, cetme, fnfal, for more bang for your buck.
[Feb 15,2007 8:16pm - W3 nli  ""]
thank you very much sir, i knew you the person to turn to.
[Feb 15,2007 8:16pm - dftg  ""]
the magazine at least is good. I never really took a good look at the website before, but yeah, actually it does kinda suck.
[Feb 15,2007 8:17pm - powerkok ""]
hahaha ya np dood.
Dftg, ya the magazine is pretty badass, but their site blows.
[Feb 15,2007 8:18pm - Messerschmitt ""]
go for the mossberg 12 gauge and place it in your mouth like you know how. for someone like you, that's the best advice. don't forget to pull the trigger
[Feb 15,2007 8:20pm - W3 nli  ""]
Messerschmitt said:go for the mossberg 12 gauge and place it in your mouth like you know how. for someone like you, that's the best advice. don't forget to pull the trigger

but then i wouldnt be around to make you sit thru another post of fucktardations.

hey theres a new throwing shrapnel track up on our myspace site.

hurry go look, everyone go look right now.
[Feb 15,2007 9:29pm - Toddnonymous  ""]
He is stockpiling and is going to join a militia group, watch out. haha
[Feb 15,2007 9:31pm - W3 nli  ""]
Toddnonymous said:He is stockpiling and is going to join a militia group, watch out. haha

are you a cop cause if youre a cop you gotta tell me youre a cop.


wanna buy some drugs.
[Feb 15,2007 9:38pm - Toddnonymous  ""]


[Feb 15,2007 9:39pm - W3 nli  ""]
got any drugs to sell then.
[Feb 15,2007 9:40pm - Hoser ""]
www.gunsamerica.com is awesome as well.
[Feb 15,2007 9:42pm - Hoser ""]
Also www.galleryofguns.com........this my favorite, and if you sign up for the Great Give Away....you get free magazine subscriptions...
[Feb 15,2007 9:48pm - Toddnonymous  ""]
W3 nli said:got any drugs to sell then.

don't know what your talkin bout willis

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