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shot and pissed on from weymouth mp3s new death metal

[Feb 20,2007 1:00am - shotandpissedon  ""]
check us out www.myspace.com/shotandpissedon
[Feb 20,2007 1:19am - RichHorror ""]
[Feb 20,2007 5:05am - Messerschmitt ""]

i can dig it
[Feb 20,2007 10:20am - MassOfTwoSlits nli  ""]
[Feb 20,2007 10:34am - JDDomination ""]
who's in this band? Is this the Blessed Deception crew? Sounds really cool
[Feb 20,2007 11:29am - Niccolai ""]
JDDomination said:who's in this band? Is this the Blessed Deception crew?

I don't think so. Last time I jammed with mark, he didn't mention this.

Plus I think Chris is too occupied smelling ballbags everyday looking for 'the perfect one'.
[Feb 20,2007 1:07pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
This stuff is actually good. Nice old sounding death metal, I can hear a lot of Autopsy in there.
[Feb 20,2007 2:38pm - this_is_heresy ""]
Niccolai said:
Plus I think Chris is too occupied smelling ballbags everyday looking for 'the perfect one'.


[Feb 20,2007 3:45pm - waste of time  ""]
it's good hopefully they are playing soon
[Feb 21,2007 1:17pm - MikePile  ""]
The music is awesome, but the vocals are pretty boring. You guys should buy a See-And-Say and just hold it up to the mic and spin like fuck.


[Feb 22,2007 9:47am - brad weymouth  ""]
Messerschmitt said:whoa

i can dig it

fucking sick for a basement demo. fucking sick regardless of where it was recorded. i love weymouth
[Feb 23,2007 10:21am - Messerschmitt ""]
when can we expect a live performance from these weymouth folk?
[Feb 23,2007 10:32am - JDDomination ""]
I propose a "Weymouth" show, Weymouth bands only. These guys, Brad's band, Dominatus, and whoever else wants to get in on it. Anyone?
[Feb 23,2007 11:31am - Niccolai ""]
Yea, and all 9 people in Weymouth who are in to metal will go.
[Feb 23,2007 11:40am - Messerschmitt ""]
[Feb 24,2007 4:32pm - Messerschmitt ""]
[Feb 24,2007 5:06pm - brad weymouth  ""]
Niccolai said:Yea, and all 9 people in Weymouth who are in to metal will go.

don't for get your MOM
high five Cleverly!
[Feb 24,2007 5:16pm - Niccolai ""]
I included her in the 9..
[Feb 24,2007 11:09pm - HTR ""]
yea, this is pretty good. I def/ hear some Siege in there...
[Feb 27,2007 12:18am - shotandpissedon  ""]
we are looking for shows also.
[Feb 27,2007 11:12am - infect sli sli sli  ""]
damn, good shit, lets get some old school death shows going on, you guys, exsanguination, witchtomb, anyone elese that doesnt suck

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