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Up coming Sin of Angels shows for March (NY, CT, MA, RI)

[Feb 24,2007 2:18pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
March 9th @ Tommy's Tavern (Brooklyn)
w/Tides Within and I, Destroyer (awesome providence blackened thrash from Dropdead/Paindriver/As the Sun Sets dudes)

March 10th @ Cherry St Station (Wallingford, CT)
w/I, Destroyer (more TBA)

March 11th @ the Skybar (Sommerville, MA)
w/Bane of Existence and ShitFuck

March 24th @ AS220 (PVD, RI)
w/Unearthly Trance, Noosebomb, and Hoof

come on out and support your scene and say hello!!!!!


[Feb 24,2007 5:00pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
[Feb 25,2007 12:40am - sinofangels-ray ""]
[Feb 25,2007 1:49am - W3 nli  ""]
ray hit me up when you can
[Feb 25,2007 3:28pm - MadOakDevin ""]
The sound guy that worked the cherry street station was a moron. hopefully he doesn't work every night. Watching dylan from indian bitch him by changing the lyrics to one of the songs was pretty much the most amazing thing ever.

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