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Anal Cunt shows this weekend

[Feb 26,2007 1:54pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Apparently driving home from Virginia last night in a snowstorm which turned a 10 hour drive into a 14 hour drive wasn't punishment enough so we're going back to Virginia again next weekend.

Sat. 3/3 Waynesboro, PA @ Hidalgos
Sun. 3/4 Springfield, VA @ Jaxx

[Feb 27,2007 12:32pm - anonymous  ""]
how about playing some shows in RI
[Feb 27,2007 12:36pm - Lamp ""]
They're apparently playing the Living Room on April 13th.
[Feb 27,2007 12:36pm - W3 nli  ""]
Jaxx is NoVa, sorry i couldnt make it out to the show man, the porn shop i work at was having a contest at a strip club and i got to be a judge so titties and ass over grind man.

next time youre coming down this way hit me up with a number so i can get a hold of you.

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