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american hardcore

[Mar 15,2007 7:28pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Mar 15,2007 7:53pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
I love Jack Grisham.

Buy the DVD, it's worth it.
[Mar 15,2007 8:42pm - Anthony nli  ""]
damn Bad Brains live shows are amazing
[Mar 15,2007 8:48pm - the_reverend ""]
I've been trying to figure out all the bands over new england on the trailer. SSD, Gang green and the other one symbol just won't snap into my head. anyone?
[Mar 15,2007 9:08pm - Kevord ""]
Negative FX?
[Mar 15,2007 9:13pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
Yup. Didn't The FU's have their logo o nthe trailer too or no?
[Mar 15,2007 9:27pm - the_reverend ""]
I guessed Negative FX when carina and I looked at it, but I couldn't remember where they were from and then I forgot to google.
[Mar 15,2007 10:36pm - DrewBlood ""]
did they put the Freeze on that?
[Mar 15,2007 10:38pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't remember it on the drawing.
[Mar 15,2007 11:16pm - DomesticTerror ""]
i love how Choke's wearing a Mickey Mouse shirt.
[Mar 15,2007 11:31pm - the_reverend ""]
I love how in some of the pictures henry rollin's doesn't look like the douche bag voice of mtv he became.
[Mar 16,2007 5:05am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I saw some damn great hardcore shows from 1985 to 1989 (when I was 15 to 19), but still being into hardcore when you are out of your teen years never seemed right to me.

I am so glad that I grew up when I did though.
[Mar 16,2007 10:19am - watchmaker666 nli  ""]
did the dead kennedys get mentioned once?
[Mar 16,2007 10:31am - mOe ""]
aaaand, i know what i'm doin at work for the next hour or so
[Apr 26,2007 9:06am - largefreakatzero ""]
watchmaker666 nli said:did the dead kennedys get mentioned once?

I just saw this and I noticed that too. Yeah, they got briefly mentioned and some of the bands mentioned them, but why no interview with Jello or any of the other DK guys? I enjoyed the documentary, but I think some key bands were missing.
[Apr 26,2007 9:10am - mOe @ work  ""]
Jello probably didnt care for getting interviewed, but I do love how they make it obvious that Bad Brains were the best of the breed
[Apr 26,2007 9:11am - xmikex ""]
largefreakatzero said:watchmaker666 nli said:did the dead kennedys get mentioned once?

I just saw this and I noticed that too. Yeah, they got briefly mentioned and some of the bands mentioned them, but why no interview with Jello or any of the other DK guys? I enjoyed the documentary, but I think some key bands were missing.

There were absolutely some key bands missing. One of the big things I didn't care for about this documentary was that it made it out to look like if a band wasn't part of that very first wave of hardcore then they just didn't matter. That would put bands like Slapshot, Sheer Terror, etc in the trash.
[Apr 26,2007 9:13am - mOe ""]
yea, i didnt completely agree with that but, hey its their documentary they can be elitist as they want at least they werent historically inaccurate
[Apr 26,2007 9:18am - Josh_Martin ""]
xmikex said:largefreakatzero said:watchmaker666 nli said:did the dead kennedys get mentioned once?

I just saw this and I noticed that too. Yeah, they got briefly mentioned and some of the bands mentioned them, but why no interview with Jello or any of the other DK guys? I enjoyed the documentary, but I think some key bands were missing.

There were absolutely some key bands missing. One of the big things I didn't care for about this documentary was that it made it out to look like if a band wasn't part of that very first wave of hardcore then they just didn't matter. That would put bands like Slapshot, Sheer Terror, etc in the trash.

Well, the complete title of the movie was "American Hardcore: 1980-1986" so Slapshot, Sheer Terror etc etc weren't eligable anyways. (Negative FX kills Slapshot anyway)
There were a handful of ok hardcore bands post '86 but, really, the first wave was a trillion times better than anything that came after it.
I just finally saw this the other night. Great fucking movie. I might even buy it and I never buy DVDs. I would kill for the complete concerts of some of that footage to be released. Negative FX, DRI in '83, etc etc. I've never seen footage of some of that stuff before. Amazing.
It was cool that Boston got it's own chapter too.

[Apr 26,2007 9:23am - largefreakatzero ""]
Definitely some great footage. Since I was 6 years old in 1980, obviously I never got to see some of these great bands in their hay-day. The Bad Brains footage was awesome -- luckily I was able to see those guys a couple of times at Club Babyhead.
[Apr 26,2007 10:40am - xmikex ""]
Josh_Martin said:Well, the complete title of the movie was "American Hardcore: 1980-1986" so Slapshot, Sheer Terror etc etc weren't eligable anyways.

not like I was there or anything, but I was always under the impression that Slapshot were around before Cromags (who were mentioned at some length in the film). I remember hearing something about Slapshot playing New York with Youth of Today (according to Choke YOT showed up late on purpose so they could headline over Slapshot, and it was part of the reason Choke hated New York so much), and the Cromags opened as one of their first shows.

then again, like I said I was probably about 4 years old at the time so I don't know anything.
[Apr 26,2007 10:56am - cav ""]
yea i spent an entire day at work once watching all these videos. i learned so much about the hardcore scene that i had no idea about. its very interesting to see the roots of the scene and how it expanded. and pretty much showed how with any underground scene, once it gets a little too big it ruins it somehow.
[Apr 26,2007 11:09am - mOe @ work  ""]
its awesome how they talk about the short attention spans and redundant tastes of the hardcore fanbase...i guess it isnt a fairly new occurance
[Apr 26,2007 11:36am - Josh_Martin ""]
xmikex said:Josh_Martin said:Well, the complete title of the movie was "American Hardcore: 1980-1986" so Slapshot, Sheer Terror etc etc weren't eligable anyways.

not like I was there or anything, but I was always under the impression that Slapshot were around before Cromags (who were mentioned at some length in the film). I remember hearing something about Slapshot playing New York with Youth of Today (according to Choke YOT showed up late on purpose so they could headline over Slapshot, and it was part of the reason Choke hated New York so much), and the Cromags opened as one of their first shows.

then again, like I said I was probably about 4 years old at the time so I don't know anything.

Slapshot and the Cro Mags started pretty much about the same time. I would assume the reason that the Cro Mags got in the movie and Slapshot didn't is because the Cro Mags were a staple of the NY scene and really had their own sound, they were leaders not followers. Slapshot wasn't really doing anything new, their first album came out in '86 and the Boston scene was long over by then, and Choke was already covered with Negative FX.

[Apr 26,2007 11:53am - xmikex ""]
makes sense.
[Apr 26,2007 12:55pm - watchmaker666 ""]
Josh_Martin said:xmikex said:Josh_Martin said:Well, the complete title of the movie was "American Hardcore: 1980-1986" so Slapshot, Sheer Terror etc etc weren't eligable anyways.

not like I was there or anything, but I was always under the impression that Slapshot were around before Cromags (who were mentioned at some length in the film). I remember hearing something about Slapshot playing New York with Youth of Today (according to Choke YOT showed up late on purpose so they could headline over Slapshot, and it was part of the reason Choke hated New York so much), and the Cromags opened as one of their first shows.

then again, like I said I was probably about 4 years old at the time so I don't know anything.

Slapshot and the Cro Mags started pretty much about the same time. I would assume the reason that the Cro Mags got in the movie and Slapshot didn't is because the Cro Mags were a staple of the NY scene and really had their own sound, they were leaders not followers. Slapshot wasn't really doing anything new, their first album came out in '86 and the Boston scene was long over by then, and Choke was already covered with Negative FX.

Yeah and they were trying to make the point that the NY hardcore scene didnt come into its own until after the first wave of hardcore, boston had a big impact in the first wave
[Apr 26,2007 1:31pm - animal_rampage  ""]
Bad Brains are playing in NJ in July
part of some festival
[Apr 26,2007 1:35pm - mOe ""]
yea, but they're notorious for how hit or miss they are live i doubt it would be worth it

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