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The First Show I booked...

[Mar 21,2007 2:24pm - succubus ""]
[Mar 21,2007 2:25pm - succubus ""]
name tags and all
[Mar 21,2007 2:25pm - succubus ""]
[Mar 21,2007 2:26pm - xmikex ""]
was that the one at the Met with Ascendency?
[Mar 21,2007 2:27pm - succubus ""]
and my cakeS!
[Mar 21,2007 2:27pm - succubus ""]
xmikex was there!
[Mar 21,2007 3:12pm - the_reverend ""]
there weren't many people there that still post.
[Mar 21,2007 3:15pm - Seth Hekseri  ""]
yeah, I remember that show and Aaron thought it was a cool show. Aaron shoud have a picture of me swallowing a whole piece of cake and tc....a great time...later
[Mar 21,2007 3:16pm - the_reverend ""]
the lurker shows his face!
[Mar 21,2007 3:24pm - BSV  ""]
I woulda been there but I had to work that night at Spooky. More than half these punks on here nowadays don't have the stripes to say they were there.
[Mar 21,2007 3:25pm - dreadkill ""]
i remember not being able to make it to that show, but heard it was a lot of fun.
[Mar 21,2007 6:46pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I remember this show. I couldn't go to it :(
[Mar 21,2007 7:11pm - Seth Hekseri  ""]
What do you mean Lurker...I am a window reader, I don't need to buy/comment. I just admirer...! Sowhere were you on Sunday night, oh I see at another show!!! Bitch.
[Mar 21,2007 7:27pm - the_reverend ""]
if your show had been latah....
I couldn't miss a trap them show.
[Mar 21,2007 11:15pm - blue ""]
i missed that show. gah.
[Mar 21,2007 11:24pm - reverend_cziska ""]
[Mar 22,2007 5:28am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i played that
[Mar 22,2007 2:04pm - anonymous  ""]
What are the pictures of?

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