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Nov 28th in Amherst ma?

VFW (Amherst, Ma) - [all_my_sins][conflict_of_interest][funeral_in_fame][hollywood][randomshots][terminally_your_aborted_ghost][what_weapons_bring_war]
[Nov 26,2003 12:17pm - the_reverend ""]
what is going on there?
devon do you know?
[Nov 26,2003 12:22pm - RustedAngel ""]
maybe i'll go, we should ride to this, my old friend.

sidenote: the old deaf temp lady is drinking tomato juice and it smells disgusting.
[Nov 26,2003 12:25pm - tyagxgrind ""]
HOLLYWOOD (Spastic Grind)

+ More

Starts 6:30pm sharp, 8 Bux @ door

Ion Dissonance pulled out of this show... but, they are playing the show Saturday in Worcester fortinatly so you still can catch them.
[Nov 26,2003 4:59pm - Stainless ""]
Dammit thats sucks
#12 and ION aren't playing. can't go Saturday playing in Brighton Ma.
thanks for posting that tyagxgrind you saved me a long drive for an upset I'd still go but my ride there was going just to see ION DISSONANCE.
[Nov 26,2003 10:13pm - tyagxgrind ""]
Stainless said:Dammit thats sucks
#12 and ION aren't playing. can't go Saturday playing in Brighton Ma.
thanks for posting that tyagxgrind you saved me a long drive for an upset I'd still go but my ride there was going just to see ION DISSONANCE.

[Nov 28,2003 2:04pm - the_reverend ""]
I think I'm still heading out to this..
it's still hapening right?

someone guest list me.
[Nov 28,2003 2:17pm - RustedAngel ""]
nevermind, too fucking far away. not going.

good luck.
[Nov 28,2003 2:32pm - ratt_mowe ""]
rev its at a community center... we can more than likely get you in for free.... just talk to us outside beforehand. deal? deal.
[Nov 28,2003 3:00pm - the_reverend ""]
sounds tight to me.
what time you getting there?
I'm leaving NH at 4pm.
[Nov 28,2003 4:29pm - succubus ""]
rev just left..

have fun at the show!

i have one in providence and i'm leaving in 10

i hope he gets back here before me...

[Nov 29,2003 2:18am - the_reverend ""]
I'm back.
working on the pictures now.
[Nov 29,2003 2:25am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are up.
check out the mosh.
it was brought.

actually, I was lost in fitchburg.
that place sux.
[Nov 29,2003 2:55am - the_reverend ""]
man, ever gd person out there in amherst land drive at 10 miles UNDER the speed limit.
I hate them soooo much.

ok, so this show had more pregnant girls than a show in.. western.. mass.. oh wait. forget I said anything. I bet they where there for terminally your aborted ghost.

hollywood: they are a 2 minute song grind band. It sounded pretty good. They are sort of in the direction (but a little more grind) that black bok diaries was before they went on to “catchy” metalcore songs.

criminally insane: eh, not my bag. It was a bit too mushy sounding and too many distracting kids with bandanas over their eyes.

funeral in fame: great. I think this was one of their first few shows. They sometimes sounded melodic like as I lay dying, other times like bury your dead, but with parts people could 2-step too. I hope to hear more from them.

what weapons bring war: first time seeing them. They got a new singer from the CDr I got. The new guy sounds a lot like the singer of BTBAM.

terminally, your aborted ghost: Making up for the set at bridgewater? This set was awesome. I love when people yell for more cowbell.

all my sins: now lead singer, angel. His voice is a lot deeper than the old singer and sounds a bit like jonas (zao’s) voice which is great and makes the music so much more brutal.

[Nov 29,2003 3:39am - ratt_mowe ""]
hey rev thanks for coming out. i love when people dont get us. it makes me laugh.
[Nov 29,2003 1:47pm - RustedAngel ""]
woah dood, put that thing away.

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