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[Nov 26,2003 3:30pm - mike_m  ""]
Saturday, November 29th
ICC Church, 557 Cambridge St. Allston, MA 02134

Outbreak (Bridge Nine Records)
Think I Care (Dead Alive Records)
Some Kind of Hate (record release for "Undisputed" on Bridge Nine Records)
The Distance (Bridge Nine Records)
Guns Up (NH Hardcore)

5pm doors
xchoadx@aol.com for more info.

go and mosh off some delicious turkey.
[Nov 26,2003 3:57pm - HiImPaul ""]
Guns up isnt NH hardcore
[Nov 26,2003 4:12pm - BornSoVile ""]
Any chance that metal shows can be booked here? I see the pics every gig is packed...
[Nov 26,2003 4:57pm - shatteredliz ""]
Yeah, I'd definitely be interested in booking some all ages metal shows there. Anyone know who to talk to?
[Nov 26,2003 4:59pm - tyagxgrind ""]
BornSoVile said:Any chance that metal shows can be booked here? I see the pics every gig is packed...

Its usually packed because there hardcore shows.
They've had some grind shows that have done ok I guess.
I hope they set up some metal shit soon though.

[Nov 26,2003 5:04pm - BornSoVile ""]
tyagxgrind said:BornSoVile said:Any chance that metal shows can be booked here? I see the pics every gig is packed...

Its usually packed because there hardcore shows.
They've had some grind shows that have done ok I guess.
I hope they set up some metal shit soon though.

Totally bro. I first started hearing about this place as a haven for punk. I'd like to go to a Death/Black metal show in a church sometime before I die.
[Nov 26,2003 5:22pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I want to scream about Satan while standing in front of a statue of the virgin Mary being deflowered by Tom and the Slayer dildo.

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