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And you know what was in the dog's mouth?

[Mar 31,2007 9:11pm - reverend_cziska ""]
Do you?
[Mar 31,2007 10:15pm - powerkok ""]
Your dirty cock?
[Apr 1,2007 1:30am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
powerkok said:Your dirty cock?

hhaha I was thinking the same thing.
[Apr 1,2007 1:49am - Niccolai ""]
Don't act like you guys never wondered what it would be like...
[Apr 1,2007 1:53am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

[Apr 1,2007 2:04am - reverend_cziska ""]
The brick!
[Apr 1,2007 2:05am - RichHorror ""]
Jeff, give me some of those pills. Give them all to me.
[Apr 1,2007 2:08am - reverend_cziska ""]
What are these pills you speak of Sir Richard of Nottingham?

"This nigga's doing impressions."

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