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happy earth day!

[Apr 22,2007 1:21pm - succubus ""]
To all!
[Apr 22,2007 1:22pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
Meh, not a big fan of Earth. Take it or leave it.
[Apr 22,2007 1:35pm - Mess ""]
yesterday, i took the dog for a walk through the woods again and heard some squeeking noise. the dog went over and started digging. at first i thought it was a baby bird that fell out of it's nest so i ran over and got my dog away from it. i started digging and there were about 5 baby mice down there. a couple had some teeth marks on them from my dog fucking with them. i threw a bunch of dirt and leaves on them and took off.
[Apr 22,2007 1:48pm - sxealex ""]
[Apr 22,2007 2:01pm - Lamp ""]
Every day should be Earth day, fuck saving the celebrating for one day.
[Apr 22,2007 2:41pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I agree with lamp.
[Apr 22,2007 4:58pm - ZJD ""]
Yeah, but realistically, having the one Earth day makes for most people thinking about it for one more day than they would normally; zero. That said, everyday is earth day for me because I'm a dirty hippie.
[Apr 22,2007 5:03pm - Archaeon ""]
I'm making sure to pollute more today
[Apr 22,2007 5:03pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Mess said:yesterday, i took the dog for a walk through the woods again and heard some squeeking noise. the dog went over and started digging. at first i thought it was a baby bird that fell out of it's nest so i ran over and got my dog away from it. i started digging and there were about 5 baby mice down there. a couple had some teeth marks on them from my dog fucking with them. i threw a bunch of dirt and leaves on them and took off.

hhahahah. I don't know why, but that's a perfect story.
[Apr 22,2007 6:44pm - succubus ""]
Some MIT students won a GE / MTVu grant for 25,000 for their solar powered refueling station & processor to convert waste vegetable oil to biodiesel. In addition to the grant, angels & airwaves played a free show. That's where I was today. What a beautiful day btw! Unfortunately yhey were filming a movie and mass ave was closed. They even had a helicoptor on the bridge.anyhow, in the car heading home now
[Apr 22,2007 7:03pm - keithnli  ""]
fuck earth day.

happy birthday to me!
[Apr 23,2007 12:18am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
In order for the earth to survive we need to kill massive amounts of people
[Apr 23,2007 12:28am - dreadkill ""]
earth day birthday
[Apr 23,2007 8:47am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
[Apr 23,2007 8:48am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:In order for the earth to survive we need to kill massive amounts of people

That is why we have Iraq. ZING!

[Apr 23,2007 9:12am - Mess ""]
i saw this as a bumper sticker somewhere in the great town of Weymouth
[Apr 23,2007 9:20am - Lamp ""]
[Apr 23,2007 9:29am - succubus ""]
did i mention that mass ave was closed yesterday?

I figured they were filming a movie and i was correct. it was even on the evening news. I hope the city of boston charged them a ton...that caused A LOT of traffic!!!
"21" is the fact-based story about six MIT students who were trained to become experts in card counting and subsequently took Vegas casinos for millions in winnings.

with Kevin Spacey and Kate Botsworth

[Apr 23,2007 9:35am - DreamingInExile ""]
I'm passing out cigarettes for an Earth Day Smoke-a-thon...

[Apr 23,2007 10:39am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
succubus said:did i mention that mass ave was closed yesterday?

I figured they were filming a movie and i was correct. it was even on the evening news. I hope the city of boston charged them a ton...that caused A LOT of traffic!!!
"21" is the fact-based story about six MIT students who were trained to become experts in card counting and subsequently took Vegas casinos for millions in winnings.

with Kevin Spacey and Kate Botsworth

I thought they had a movie about that already? Or maybe it was just that the book was really famous.
[Apr 23,2007 10:42am - Yeti ""]
i celebrated Earth Day by consuming mass quantities of Earth's amazing crop.
[Apr 23,2007 12:17pm - Lamp ""]
Clearly you must be referring to none other than the almighty carrot.
[Apr 23,2007 12:35pm - Yeti ""]
my vision is spectacular now.

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