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tonight @ the orpheum... my buddies the arcade fire

[May 10,2007 9:59pm - succubus ""]

But this places wreaks of bo
[May 10,2007 10:02pm - the_reverend ""]
damn canadians
[May 10,2007 10:04pm - succubus ""]
[May 10,2007 10:05pm - Archaeon ""]
the Orpheum is a terrible venue
[May 10,2007 10:56pm - ya  ""]
the arcade fire is a terrible band..
[May 10,2007 11:39pm - succubus ""]
I like the orpheum but I was snapping from the balcony and it was trembling....whoah...I wanted to tell the people to stop jumping up and down....I guess the venue does regularly check it though..
[May 10,2007 11:47pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
ya said:the arcade fire is a terrible band..

I love indie bullshit too...but I agree
[May 11,2007 12:40am - succubus ""]

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