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Lve Ammo in Dover NH highschool

[May 14,2007 4:05pm - succubus ""]
ok so my friend (coworker) has a daughter in HS in Dover NH...she got a call that the students had to leave the building while the police inspected everyone's locker and bags after finding live ammo in 5 places...how my friend found out? through another friend of hers who works right next to the school...so her friend grabbed her daughter and took her out of the school. The school didn't tell the parents...so my friend found an online article...and now it's been updated
[May 14,2007 4:13pm - aaron_michael ""]
I'm so glad I'm moving.
[May 16,2007 8:23am - succubus ""]
bump for aaron
latest article
[May 16,2007 8:35am - the_reverend ""]
awe... so cute! love ammo! like what cupid uses?
[May 16,2007 9:56am - Mess ""]
a friend of a friend of a friend once said there was lovely ammo at the high school where students make love with bullets

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