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Anal Cunt in Worcester May 25th

[show listing]  _____________________________________
[May 16,2007 9:54am - Josh_Martin ""]
Fri. May 25th
Anal Cunt
other bands

London Billiards
70 James St.
Worcester, Ma
[May 16,2007 10:28am - Yeti ""]
nice. that show was awesome last time.
[May 18,2007 1:04pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Anal Cunt IS playing this show however.

Anyone know who we're playing with??
[May 18,2007 1:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Who is booking there now? Still Sullivan? cause i thought he got screwed over there last time.
[May 18,2007 3:22pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I think this is a (gasp!) Kenny Lanning show.

He booked us there in Feb. and we had no problems with him whatsoever.
He's off the crack now. He's totally sober and has his shit together. I almost felt bad making him pay my bar tab while he couldn't touch a drop. Almost.

[May 18,2007 3:24pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I just realized that since Seth can't drink anymore I'm the biggest drunk in the band now.
[May 18,2007 3:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Josh_Martin said:I think this is a (gasp!) Kenny Lanning show.

He booked us there in Feb. and we had no problems with him whatsoever.
He's off the crack now. He's totally sober and has his shit together. I almost felt bad making him pay my bar tab while he couldn't touch a drop. Almost.

Considere it Reparations. If you think thats crazy... I heard (gasp!!) Lloyd is booking shows again. I had high hopes that someone killed that fuckbag years ago. oh well.
[May 18,2007 3:29pm - Yeti ""]
Kenny tried hugging me at that show. it was creepy and weird. maybe he is ok now, we dealt with him a few years ago and he sucked ass.
[May 18,2007 3:37pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Yeah, I was wary about dealing with him after reading all the shit about him on this board. But it turned out to be an awesome show and he did everything he was supposed to do.

Who's Lloyd?
[May 18,2007 4:05pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Lloyd this old creepy wackjob who used to book in Worcester at the Club Marque and the Atrium. He would offer to take every band that played his shows to Europe for a tour. I'm pretty sure he was/is a pedophile.
[May 18,2007 6:04pm - brad weymouth  ""]
Josh_Martin said:I just realized that since Seth can't drink anymore I'm the biggest drunk in the band now.

he cant drink at all? he must be wicked happy about that
[May 19,2007 3:09pm - Sullivan 55  ""]
This Show was moved to the Compound in Fitchburg a long time ago. Someone Def. Should have notified the Band. I was booking Londons but the guy went with hiphop on friday and saturday nights. I told the fucking guy when I booked the AC show that if he booked it he had to go forward with it no matter what (knowing the club was going to be all dance music soon). What ended up being my last day there he brought me in the back and said that after april the club was going all dance music. I told him a shitload of times that was fine but I still needed the night of the AC show, but he had already signed some fucking contract with 94.5 or some shit for friday nights. So I had just started booking at the Compound so I asked Craig(Dirtnap Ent. (Works with kenny on these AC shows)) if he would like to have the show there. This stuff was all decided well over a month ago and I don't know why it seems some bands (particularly the headliner) haven't been notified.
[May 19,2007 3:26pm - BornSoVile ""]
Josh_Martin said:Yeah, I was wary about dealing with him after reading all the shit about him on this board. But it turned out to be an awesome show and he did everything he was supposed to do.

Who's Lloyd?

I'm happy it worked out for AC, I still refuse to deal with him or even be in the same radus as him.
[May 19,2007 3:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Sullivan 55 said:This Show was moved to the Compound in Fitchburg a long time ago. Someone Def. Should have notified the Band. I was booking Londons but the guy went with hiphop on friday and saturday nights. I told the fucking guy when I booked the AC show that if he booked it he had to go forward with it no matter what (knowing the club was going to be all dance music soon). What ended up being my last day there he brought me in the back and said that after april the club was going all dance music. I told him a shitload of times that was fine but I still needed the night of the AC show, but he had already signed some fucking contract with 94.5 or some shit for friday nights. So I had just started booking at the Compound so I asked Craig(Dirtnap Ent. (Works with kenny on these AC shows)) if he would like to have the show there. This stuff was all decided well over a month ago and I don't know why it seems some bands (particularly the headliner) haven't been notified.

Tam is an idiot.

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