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Black Metal Pimp my Ride

[May 19,2007 5:31pm - rotivore ""]

This is just wrong beyond any words can describe....

[May 19,2007 5:38pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[May 19,2007 5:41pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
ADMONISH was the first Christian "Black" Metal band in Sweden, but didn't release anything until 2005.

Twins Emil and Jonas have appeared on MTV's Pimp My Ride International on Episode 4 which aired in the United States on 9/25/2006.

[May 19,2007 6:00pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
that is hilarious
[May 19,2007 6:22pm - pam ""]
"Please em-tee-wee pimp our ride"

That was embarrassing.
[May 19,2007 6:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
-lil jon has no business flashing metal horns

-"mean metallic purple"? come on now.

-too many other things wrong to list.
[May 19,2007 7:03pm - Anthny  ""]
I thought this was hilariously funny, but that custom job is butt ugly. yuck.
[May 19,2007 7:17pm - VoidExpression ""]
Ha, that was awesome! Nothing wrong with goofing around, and they basically got a new car out of the deal.

That band has been kicking around for years and there used to be some pretty decent bootlegs kicking around the Christian metal world (unless I'm thinking of a different band). Haven't heard any of the official stuff though.
[May 19,2007 7:51pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
VoidExpression said: Haven't heard any of the official stuff though.

[May 19,2007 7:52pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Influences Jesus Christ. Satyricon, Emperor, Dissection (R.I.P), and everything who sounds necro!

God Bless you!
[May 19,2007 8:02pm - brian_dc ""]
reminds me a lot of dissection
[May 19,2007 8:52pm - keithnli  ""]
i think its hilarious
[May 19,2007 9:14pm - YoureAwesome  ""]
I like how incredibly gay the car looks now and how they no longer have any room to transport gear or other people to gigs like they mentioned in the beginning because of the stereo system which is tr00 metal.
[May 19,2007 9:56pm - immortal13 ""]
I love how they play Marilyn Manson when they get the new guitars. That's some trOO kvlt shit right there.
[May 19,2007 10:25pm - rotivore ""]
they should have featured a NSBM band like Nokturnal Mortem or Gestapo SS instead. that would have made for compelling television.
[May 19,2007 10:56pm - helvete  ""]
haha I agree... that would be rather entertaining
[May 20,2007 12:15am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
haah funny, tooo bad mtv wouldnt play any of their music.
[May 20,2007 4:55am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
There needs to be some sort of NSFW tag for any content with albinos. I saw their friend Martin and nearly threw up.

Why the fuck would you befriend an Albino? That's like hanging out with a retard or a monkey.
[May 20,2007 6:58am - rotivore ""]
Pimp my church!!
[May 20,2007 9:04am - fleshfries ""]
there's no way anybody can take this show seriously.....
[May 20,2007 9:20am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
haha is this what I think it is?....

[May 20,2007 9:55am - tylerl ""]
[May 20,2007 10:06am - rotivore ""]
"getting to know yer enemy"....

Ancient History

The foundation of Admonish was laid in 1994 when Emanuel began jamming with friend Marcus. In 1995 the band started taking solid form with Emanuel on guitar & vocals and Samuel on keyboard & vocals. Then Mattias joined on bass and Per on drums. The name Admonish was adopted. In 1997 the first Admonish official website was released upon the earth and Admonish began to get a reputation underground, but not all positive, there was even an anti-Admonish website. The band was anxious to record a demo, but vocalist Samuel had left the band and after Per moved from drums to guitar, a new drummer was also needed. Andre joined the band on drums, but soon left. The band then consisted of Emanuel (guitar & vocals), Per (guitar), Mattias (bass) and mr Drum Machine. Autumn 1998 they were joined by Joakim (keyboard) and Martin (vocals). When Robin (ex-Obsecration) joined on drums in early 1999, the band was finally a six-piece and plans were made to record the long overdue demo. However, the plans never materialized. Summer 1999 Joakim moved out of town and left the band. Commitments outside the band for other band members made band practice scarce and it was finally decided to take a break.

Modern History

For a few years there was talk of a reunion and late 2002 things started to happen. Per had moved to the south of Sweden and joined Robin's old Obsecration bandmates in Crimson Moonlight, while Mattias had moved in another musical direction, but Emanuel, Martin and Robin remained in the band. They were joined by Joel on guitar and in 2003 by Jonas (ex-Taketh) on bass. New material was written and old material was dusted off and refreshed. Admonish was booked to play its first gig after the reunion at Luccemetal '03. A few keyboard players had played with the band after the reunion, but being unable to find one that would perform live with them, Admonish decided to go ahead without a keyboard player. Things were looking good, but about a month before the gig Joel decided to leave the band for personal reasons. Guitarist Samuel was brought in for Luccemetal. The gig went well overall and Admonish had once again been unleashed on the Swedish metal scene! After the reunion gig, Jonas's brother Emil (also ex-Taketh) joined to take the vacant guitarist spot, completing the current line-up with Martin on vocals, Emanuel on guitars & vocals, Emil on guitars, Jonas on bass and Robin on drums. With this line-up, Admonish finally entered studio in January 2005. The long anticipated EP was released on 11 April 2005 at Club 666 in Stockholm, under the name of Den Yttersta Tiden.
[May 21,2007 12:47pm - Yeti ""]
this makes my heart hurt.
[May 21,2007 2:14pm - pam ""]
rotivore said:Pimp my church!!

That picture rules.
[May 21,2007 2:17pm - xmikex ""]
pimp my church haha... that's rough.

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